Yes the screenshots are from pscan.
It doesn't have the ability to recode a Jatco ECU.
I also heard that they all have the same hardware just different configs.
I am going to use a V6 Freelander Jatco ECU from the same vehicle that the gearbox came from.
There is a small leap of faith left that a V6 Freelander Jatco ECU will be happy with receiving data from a Rover 75 MEMS3 engine ECU.
Maybe I should test that.
I presume that the gear ratios of the actual gearbox are part of the config of the Jatco ECU so I'm going to stick with the config that it already has.
The 1.8 and 2.5 have similar rev ranges and torque peaks - hopefully, the image link below works, else you can find it here:


That may mean that the KV6 firmware calibration may be an acceptable starting point?
Today I started splicing (temporarily) a Jatco ECU into the car).

The Jatco ECU seems to be picking up data from the Engine ECU alright

though I notice that it wasn't picking up the brake pedal

However I also have hill descent warning on again :-( with this error from the ABS controller

Now, this isn't the Jatco ECU that came from the automatic Freelander that I got the gearbox from. That ECU is somewhere in the house and I can't find it.

This one is slightly older I think.

I am now suspecting that the Jatco ECU and ABS controller must be matched to some extent. So this particular Jatco ECU would have been from the era of Teves Mk20, or possibly even Wabco. Maybe they tuned the Jatco ECU to send slightly different data depending on the version of ABS controller?

The other possibility is that the ABS controllers were different on automatic Freelanders. I hope not.

So now I need to find a Jatco ECU that's from a Freelander with Teves Mk25 ABS and hope that this error goes away.

Can anyone think of another reason?
I don't think it's a wiring problem. I think that the ABS ECU is receiving CANbus data that it doesn't like because that particular ABS and Jatco combo aren't compatible.
Is the engine ECU from an auto ? There was a theory above that the auto and manual engine ecu were the same. Any confirmation?
it's a Rover 75 auto ECU.
The Jatco gearbox ECU seems happy with the engine ECU, the problem is that the ABS ECU doesn't like it.
Something inspired me to go an look and the garage, and there was the Jatco ECU that came from the auto V6 donor vehicle. So at least I now have a matching Jatco ECU, gearbox and ABS ECU.

Here is the auto V6 ABS ECU:-


here is the K series manual one that's currently in the car:-

They look kind of the same but I don't know how to tell the difference between Teves Mk20 and Teves Mk25.

There was also a year 2003 V6 Jatco ECU on ebay so I grabbed that.
I found a TD4 TCM in my stash the other day, I don't know if they're vehicle specific, or they're coded as needed depending on the vehicle they put them in?
I found a TD4 TCM in my stash the other day, I don't know if they're vehicle specific, or they're coded as needed depending on the vehicle they put them in?

I suspect that they are at least coded to the gear ratios of the gearbox and whether it's petrol or diesel.

I have also had a think about this C1151 error that I'm getting.

Hill descent only works with the auto locked in 1 or R right? So if the gearbox ECU is in a really bad state (for example no actual gearbox present) then it's not going to be able to tell the ABS ECU what gear its in, so it's entirely logical that the hill descent error light should be on and an error code indicating that it's not getting the right gearbox data.

Anyway, I asked Matt to do an experiment with his auto FL1 by disconnecting the round plugs from ECU to gearbox on his and see if he gets the same error code from the ABS ECU that I get. If his behaves the same as mine that that means that it needs an actual working gearbox to be present to work properly.

I also need to figure out how the Jatco ECU picks up the brake pedal, as in whether it's connected to the brake pedal switch or whether it's over CANbus from some other ECU.
The gearbox ECU must also be coded to if they are in a Freelander or r75 .
I have still not been able to confirm if the manual sport shift we have in the Freelander will work on a r75 gearbox ECU .

All my testing is done on a bench loom with only the engine ECU, gearbox ECU and the Freelander instruments wired up, so no actual gearbox, brake pedal or other switches connected.

I don't have a pscan yet (but I think it may help my research too) so I can't see the gearbox error codes.
But the r75 gearbox ECU shows all the gears and sports mode on the instruments, but the Freelander V6 gearbox ECU shows f4 on the cluster.
Despite that both send out the same data stream over the canbus on address 0x43F with just the error tag on the V6 gearbox ECU data transmission.
so you think that a Freelander ECU sends different data (or data in a different format) to the Jatco ECU compared to a Rover 75 ECU?
If that's so then a Freelander Jatco ECU isn't actually compatible with a Rover 75 engine ECU.
I hadn't even considered that.
The good news is that I can probably get alterred the output of the Rover 75 ECU to match what the Freelander ECU sends to make it compatible.
Engine revs and torque are coming through though.
actually, I could pretty easily hook up the Freelander V6 engine ECU, Jatco, ABS and a cluster on the bench and look at the CANbus messages to see if they look any different to the 1.8K series. I just can't get it on a running engine.
No not at all.
Both gearbox ECU send the same basic data packages on 0x43F .
I have not seen any specific replies to the gearbox ECU by the engine ECU.

I have tried both a manual and auto r75 engine ECU and also a 1.8 Freelander ECU with same results.

But the Freelander instruments ALWAYS show the data correctly .

I think a log needs to be taken while out on a drive to see what the engine SENDS to the gearbox ECU because at the moment on the bench none of the engine ECU are sending anything to gearbox.
actually, I could pretty easily hook up the Freelander V6 engine ECU, Jatco, ABS and a cluster on the bench and look at the CANbus messages to see if they look any different to the 1.8K series. I just can't get it on a running engine.
As I said above I hope a log of a running vehicle will reveal the traffic that's missing.
I have td4 auto which I will setup to log . I know the 1.8 cluster works fine already so that data is definitely the same .
Pin 43 on the Jatco ECU goes to the brake pedal switch and I haven't hooked that up which explains why that didn't respond in live data.
So I tried a few ideas out in my actual td4 auto to see how things would work or not...
See attached the picture of the auto ECU I have.
From top left is a V6 Freelander, top right is td4 Freelander and bottom row are both r75 petrol 1.8

All work correctly,changing does seem to differ as we expected.
There are no warning lights on instruments.
The instruments (the td4 ones fitted )show gear position correctly including sports position.
BUT the sports manual/command shift does NOT work with the two rover 75 units.
I haven't completed my data logs of the traffic yet which will be interesting to see.

The most strange thing was the V6 unit goes to F4 when on my test bench rig but works fine on the vehicle 🤔.
Something is obviously missing that it doesn't like......


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can you help me to emulate an auto gearbox on the bench? is that what you have done? it would be really useful
I dont know what year that V6 ECU came from unfortunately ( eBay purchase) but it's clearly unhappy with something.
All I have thus far on the bench is the gearbox ECU with selector inputs connected with the instruments and engine ECU.
I do have some load resistors on the gearbox ECU outputs ( values based on what the manual says the valves are) but no sensor inputs.
Without the ability to see what the error codes in the v6 ECU it's hard to same what is making it upset.I will have to wait till the new year for funds to buy a pscan methinks :)

If there are any tests I can help with please let me know.

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