Thanks for all of the kind offers. The local Euro box garage did it and I'm glad I only need them in emergencies. I'm going to get the last two replaced my my normal garage, at a price which means it's not worth opening my tool box for!
Yeah but you should know these things for when it breaks down/blows up/falls apart in the middle of nowhere.

Land Rovers are about freedom and independence, "going beyond"...
Must have been two, nearly three inches deep!!


Wet Album - Rob Steele's (auf_wiedersehen_pet) Library | Photobucket

Watch on YouTube - YouTube
Better to be safe than sorry I always say..... Think the deepest I've gone is about 5 foot and the arse end was floating and nearly got washed down river! That was actually a bit traumatising. Thought we wer goners!
Well, everybody's very critical of my off-roading skills lately! So, I've been out to prove you wrong. Here you go!! Look closely and you'll see that one tyre is clearly on the grass.


Before anybody asks, yes I did get permission to off-road in the picture!

SWMBO is the Manager!

Cams Hall

It's the front of the same building in my signature - the one that Shenton thinks is a school!!
Why is it a different coloured building:confused::eek:

Have a look at the link, it's the same building. The front is Portland Stone and the back is brick - I guess it was an economy issue 300 years ago.

Ponse off road action ^^^^

Try this:


That's impossible - sorry. In Hampshire we pay our Council Tax so the roads are clean, un-potholed and swept daily. I guess if your roads are like that then you Northern yobs never pay a penny in tax! :eek::eek:
Have a look at the link, it's the same building. The front is Portland Stone and the back is brick - I guess it was an economy issue 300 years ago.

That's impossible - sorry. In Hampshire we pay our Council Tax so the roads are clean, un-potholed and swept daily. I guess if your roads are like that then you Northern yobs never pay a penny in tax! :eek::eek:

Now now dont forget you were from the north and probably a yob too :D

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