I'd cut down on labour and go just one coat of primer?!

Gonna be a task otherwise id have thought?!

I just slapped my topcoat straight on, but there is a fundamental difference I guess :D

Yeah I agree.. You shouldn't need to prime first Auf. I am no expert though, so best check..
I am looking forward to seeing it finished. It will be very "in your face" straight after you painted it, until it settles down..

This was mine just after I painted it..

And then looking much better once it had all settled down..

I know the top shot has the sun on it, but it was really bright and I was wondering what the hell have I done lol.
Just thought I would show you that, cos you might have the same feeling straight after you have painted..
I'd cut down on labour and go just one coat of primer?!

Gonna be a task otherwise id have thought?!

I just slapped my topcoat straight on, but there is a fundamental difference I guess :D

I'm still at the "suck it and see" stage - Oh, Matron!

I think some panels will need two coats. The roof is shagged as the laquer is shot and flaking/powdering everywhere and the bonnet is black/red so I want to ensure these are primed well. The others might just get one coat.

It will be very "in your face" straight after you paint it...


I know the top shot has the sun on it, but it was really bright and I was wondering what the hell have I done lol.
Just thought I would show you that, cos you might have the same feeling straight after you have painted..

If it turns out as bright as this I'll be very happy. I want the sky to glow green when I'm out in it. :cool::cool::cool::cool:
Note to self (don't ya just hate that phrase); Don't splash thinners on a recently painted bonnet!!:mad::mad:

At least I can test the primer/no primer debate. ;)


Tentative start.


1st coat is bubble city!!



Flattened slightly with empty roller.



Dry but not hard!




Not bad if I say so myself. Next step, flatten with 2000 W&D and recoat. :)
Thats looking pretty good chap. I found a mohair roller best when I did my 110, but I didn't know about dry rolling back then. The colour looks great :0)
Thats looking pretty good chap. I found a mohair roller best when I did my 110, but I didn't know about dry rolling back then. The colour looks great :0)

Did you lose any fibres? Everything I've read say stay clear of fibre/mohair. I might have a dabble on another panel. :eek:

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