
Awful place, only slightly better than Vange ;)
With yhe ring doorbell viewer things, stick a little perspex box with holes in it over them like at the bank counter, they can be stolen otherwise (ripped out of wall) and they ain't cheap
Great to hear they got caught, pity they weren't roughed up a bit! Cut there hands off or pull the finger nails out! Really hate scumbag thieves
Unfortunately what I've seen in UK is that people get away with pretty much everything BUT road tax, insurance and council tax.
We had two cars arson and were amazed how police did not pose any interest, just gave a crime number and that was it. We had cctv footage etc, didn't matter.
Also we had a burglary in office. We had cctv, fingerprints. They were found, but no arrest made. Plenty of these examples. To make it on topic, it is extremely rare for a stolen care to appear, I would say at least 50% are tay tay.
I think crime rate in European Union is about to drop in October.
In London 1 in every 12 motorcycles are stolen, meaning that if you live there you have a 1 in 12 chance of your bike being nicked.

That’s not theft, it’s an epidemic. Like Land Rover thefts, but someone show me what’s being done about it.
I if only they knew that stealing or attempting to steal a Land Rover is not only un-cool/ bad karma and will make their p*n*s's shrink by 3
inches, but even if the cops don't get them.. they will go to Hell and have to drive a Jeep :eek:

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