If you do, make sure it covers the pedal stalks as much as possible, West Yorkshire police have had some thieves just saw off the pedals and drive away on the stubs. Suppose there's not much demand for pedals / stalks, and it's a quick get around.

Them theives took a hell of a risk that wasn't needed. Clutch claws DO NOT stop landys getting nicked. They may slow things down or cut down the chances but by nowhere as near as much as a disclock. The other problem with them is that they often aren't spotted until AFTER the theives have broken into yer landy.
This thread is giving me an idea. It might be crap but I am really experienced in producing crap ideas.

Ignoring the communication issues because I already have those covered...

It seems to me that most attempts at nicking a landy have a quite high level of vibration involved. Sawing through bits, breaking through windows, stepping into the vehicle and so on...

I could fabricate a trembler that would react, not to swaying from the wind... but to vibration. It wouldn't be completely failsafe because I think it might get triggered if someone opened their door into your motor in a tesco car park... but as for the rest of it?

Once triggered it could disable the vehicle fuel supply and message your phone to let you know what was going on.

Any thoughts?
Well..............never bothered to report the attempted theft to the police...
time better spent from paperwork!
The 90's got decent proper deadlocks fitted on the doors anyway. The rear is protected by mantec window gaurds,
Secret switch for the fuel stop - i think is a must. I got a steel locking cubby box so could locate the switch there.
Keeping it simple I have now fitted a cheap alarm - just works from shocks - no door switches!!!! Oh but the sounder is INSIDE the cabin in the back - dog guard stops access to it from cabin. The idea being that the noise and resonance causes nausea.....

But in all......there is only so much you can do! Thought about pedal enclosures.....but the pain of taking them off at 4.30am in the morning everyday is a no no.

Personally I'd go the way of the S.A anti hijack alarm......you know the one that shoots flames out and incinerates the B##@#ds!

Another thing that could be done.......marker pen reg no. inside door panels ...while you've got the door cards off to repair the locks frm the last breakin attempt etc.

I got a note of the axle and gearbox numbers.........etc.

But as motors often end up overseas..........

as for the police....they can only act on firm information received with it basically handed to them on a plate etc. They just havent got the manpower on the street.
Well..............never bothered to report the attempted theft to the police...

you can hardly complain about the police doing nothing if you don't tell them about it. in all probability they wouldn't be able to do anything, but at least they know what's going on, if you just give up and don't bother then the criminals have won.
This thread is giving me an idea. It might be crap but I am really experienced in producing crap ideas.

Ignoring the communication issues because I already have those covered...

It seems to me that most attempts at nicking a landy have a quite high level of vibration involved. Sawing through bits, breaking through windows, stepping into the vehicle and so on...

I could fabricate a trembler that would react, not to swaying from the wind... but to vibration. It wouldn't be completely failsafe because I think it might get triggered if someone opened their door into your motor in a tesco car park... but as for the rest of it?

Once triggered it could disable the vehicle fuel supply and message your phone to let you know what was going on.

Any thoughts?

Cheap 'one wire' alarms from an auction site just work on the shock principle. Just fitted one to mine. Only goes off if you bang a window or door...though not if you climb onto it. !!! You can adjust sensivity on them - mine is wound to most sensitive....mainly i think because i mounted it inside the cabin area.
am not 1 for moaning,but having a v6 trooper, a v8 ninety and my recovery truck stolen on the same night(feb last year) spoke to the police and they said there is nothing we can do they will be long gone.so never bothered reporting attempted theft of my disco.
but why do the police come round nocking on my door when i cut a fookin tree down in my garden saying we have had a report that i did not get permission to cut it down,this really ****ed me off my tree i can do what i want! talk about waisting time????

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