Generally police are extremely ineffective and tied up with protocol and BS, there may be a few good ones but there are many jobsworths too.
Gone are the life on mars policing style and direct action.

Yes Fanatic we can appear to be. I think its mainly organisational issues that cause this such as inappropriate performance indicators to name 1!!! The whole system needs a good shake up. This may well come, only out of necessity to prevent the whole system from failing. Its too cumbersome at the moment!
coppers used to be old school blokes (alot Ex-forces) with a bit of nouse about them.

Now its university softies too scaired to get amungst it.

Dont have anytime for coppers.........but if one was getting a shoe 'in
I would get in and help them out.
Yes Fanatic we can appear to be. I think its mainly organisational issues that cause this such as inappropriate performance indicators to name 1!!! The whole system needs a good shake up. This may well come, only out of necessity to prevent the whole system from failing. Its too cumbersome at the moment!

I'm not having a personal dig at you and I agree that from your point of view you are working in an imperfect system.

I have met some kind reasoned old school police, the current ones lack the old school no ****ing around style.

Doing event security we ask nicely 3 times-after that direct action follows=hard but fair
coppers used to be old school blokes (alot Ex-forces) with a bit of nouse about them.

Now its university softies too scaired to get amungst it.

Dont have anytime for coppers.........but if one was getting a shoe 'in
I would get in and help them out.

Thanks for that Juicey. I appreciate the sentiment!

Stay Frosty
BSc (Hons)

Ive noticed now round my area that community support MONGS are Driving round on their own in COP CARS WTF is that about frosty.??
PCSO are nothing more than presence and pair of eyes and ears.
surely a real police person is worth more than several wannabes
I'm not having a personal dig at you and I agree that from your point of view you are working in an imperfect system.

I have met some kind reasoned old school police, the current ones lack the old school no ****ing around style.

Doing event security we ask nicely 3 times-after that direct action follows=hard but fair

Didnt think you were having a dig mate.

That style has had its day. You really want a professional investigation with a successful conclusion that is backed up by a proper sentence, not a slap on the wrist.
I havent got a scoobie doo Juicey.

Fanatic I'm welling up here, I'm really feeling the love now!!! :hysterically_laughi
Didnt think you were having a dig mate.

That style has had its day. You really want a professional investigation with a successful conclusion that is backed up by a proper sentence, not a slap on the wrist.

Thats pointless if the fear of getting caught and a smack in the chops isnt there. some arseholes are out of court on the 88th offence then commit another a couple of days later!!!

frosty can you organise "tent city" in the middle ****in nowhere please for the ****s.;)
i got no time for the cops around here (not that there are many in evidence)
the other day saw 2 of um walking the streets of our village at 2pm on friday FFS! they want to be walking um from 10pm till 1am if they are going to do more than just tell the coffin dodgers off for riding their electric buggies on the foot paths :mad:
a mate had trouble the other day with his 14 year old daughter going missing with a 21 year old scrote :mad:
they said that they could'nt do anything as he had'nt broken the law FFS! then proceded to preach to my mate when he quite rightly got more than a tad snakey :mad:
he ended up saying to them so you going to do anything about this ? they said "sorry no" so he said well **** off then ! get **** out of my house! :D
Didnt think you were having a dig mate.

That style has had its day. You really want a professional investigation with a successful conclusion that is backed up by a proper sentence, not a slap on the wrist.

Crime reference number and **** all done my area
My area the scrotums of society seem to find court a revolving door, I personally favour a national service and Turkish prison system.

For the CHAV prison is a hotel to learn new tricks and no real issue.

I wonder now the country is getting to grips with previous excesses, whether the politically correct nonsense will stop.

Thats never right buckshot. They should have been all over that like a rash. This is one of those embarassing moments that I was talking about earlier. Nah, am more angry than anything now!!!
Thats pointless if the fear of getting caught and a smack in the chops isnt there. some arseholes are out of court on the 88th offence then commit another a couple of days later!!!

frosty can you organise "tent city" in the middle ****in nowhere please for the ****s.;)

Juicey, it says Stay Frosty, not Paul Daniels but I like the way you are thinking!!!
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Chain Gang Tent City[/nomedia]
Thats never right buckshot. They should have been all over that like a rash. This is one of those embarassing moments that I was talking about earlier. Nah, am more angry than anything now!!!

believe me that dont even come close to discripe how my friend felt tbh :D
have not ask too many question but think that reading between the lines the scrote wont be thinking impure thoughts of a sexual nature for a while ;):D
What made me loose confidence in the cops was when my sister was knocked 7 shades out of by her ex infront of the kids TWICE. I warned him the first time then returned the "favour";)

He reported me to the old bill and I was made to feel the criminal.:mad::mad:

Bearing in mind Ive never been involved with the police in my life.
Thats the one. We could use a few of those in this country.

Hey just noticed I've lost my "junior member" status. Check me out ! :cool:

Prison should be like living hell, some of the scum that get to go to prison=holiday. See a Turkish prison=no ****ing about
[JP];1231242 said:
fit a disclock and a claw on the pedals....
helps when they see it might be "too hard", hopefully keep the oportunistic thief away

If you do, make sure it covers the pedal stalks as much as possible, West Yorkshire police have had some thieves just saw off the pedals and drive away on the stubs. Suppose there's not much demand for pedals / stalks, and it's a quick get around.

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