
Active Member
Just a quick heads up for local landy drivers. Some banker tried to take my fender last night
Mashed both my locks in. Keep an eye on your landys
Obviously it wasnt a banker. Stupid auto correct on my phone. It was meant to say tanker but I'm sure you can all work that out lol
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No. They were either terrible theifs or they were disturbed. Both locks Have been screwdrivered. Had to knock them out to get into it
bar stewards!!!

if ya need help fixing owt just ask m8..

mind you, they probably got in and thought it might be more evil of them to leave ya with it!
Thats Bratfud for you mate, its an unadulterated sh1thole, lived there for about 6 years and couldnt wait to get out.

sorry for your almost loss.
Just a quick update, ive had a visit from the police and they actually seem to be doing something about this which is a pleasant suprise. i looked out of the window at midnight to see 2 police officers walking past my house and when i woke up this morning another 2 were walking down again! Looks like they have stepped up patrols in the area which is most welcome where my land rover is concerned! Had to buy 2 new lock barrels but at 15 quid im not too bothered :) Its nice when your girlfriends dad works at Land Rover and can get you a nice tasty discount on certain parts :D
Just a quick update, ive had a visit from the police and they actually seem to be doing something about this which is a pleasant suprise. i looked out of the window at midnight to see 2 police officers walking past my house and when i woke up this morning another 2 were walking down again! Looks like they have stepped up patrols in the area which is most welcome where my land rover is concerned! Had to buy 2 new lock barrels but at 15 quid im not too bothered :) Its nice when your girlfriends dad works at Land Rover and can get you a nice tasty discount on certain parts :D
happy days........
Its nice when your girlfriends dad works at Land Rover and can get you a nice tasty discount on certain parts :D

He isn't a part time publican too is he?

I'm glad you still have your shiney thing, let's hope it stays that way!

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