Also tried to run mini digger on it but couldn't escape from the smell of chips as you dont move fast enough in a digger
the fella i no did a 50/50 mix , it smelt like a chippy and shortly after his head gasket went was never 100% sure if it was the oil that did that damge tho......that was on a toyota surf :rolleyes::rolleyes:
the fella i no did a 50/50 mix , it smelt like a chippy and shortly after his head gasket went was never 100% sure if it was the oil that did that damge tho......that was on a toyota surf :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Dont see how veg oil would cause that, must have been a coincidence
as far as ive always known/assumed/been told if you avoid paying fuel duty then its as bad as running red and carries the same punnishment, so surely if this is the case then why risk your vehicle breaking through poor/inadiquate/incorectly mixed fuels and just fill it up with red, you'll still get the same punnishment if you get caught using it but its 60-70p per litre if you can buy it off the farm and it wont pop your motor
as far as ive always known/assumed/been told if you avoid paying fuel duty then its as bad as running red and carries the same punnishment, so surely if this is the case then why risk your vehicle breaking through poor/inadiquate/incorectly mixed fuels and just fill it up with red, you'll still get the same punnishment if you get caught using it but its 60-70p per litre if you can buy it off the farm and it wont pop your motor

You can use 2500litres of SVO/Bio for personal use per year duty free
You can use 2500litres of SVO/Bio for personal use per year duty free

My understanding is your allowed to buy 2500 litres of used and refine it without paying duty on it, but if you buy it from say Asda when its on offer then you can use as much as you like as surely the duty has been paid? i maybe wrong on that tho :confused:
My understanding is your allowed to buy 2500 litres of used and refine it without paying duty on it, but if you buy it from say Asda when its on offer then you can use as much as you like as surely the duty has been paid? i maybe wrong on that tho :confused:

Sorry but you are wrong.
No tax has been paid on veg oil before you buy it so the duty you have to pay on it after using your 2500l yearly qouta is road fuel duty.
Plus the extra VAT? road fuel duty is put on before the VAT, so if using veg oil, would more VAT be payable as well (after yer 2500)

as regard to lubrication, the landy fitted Bosch pump requires no lubrication from the deisel, if you had a Lucas on the other hand, it does, and does not take kindly to veg or bio
this 2500 is a load of crap though... who would openly admit to using more than 2500 ltrs?
this 2500 is a load of crap though... who would openly admit to using more than 2500 ltrs?

That is 2500ltrs per vehicle owner, so with 2 of us (me and Gordan) we can get up to 5000ltrs a year, with only one car running over the winter months as well.

As to regards to admitting how much you use, a couple of the places we get our oil from are restaurants, and they require receipts of safe disposal, so we keep copies of them for our records
but if you buy fresh stuff... there is no evidence whatsoever how much you use.

And what about the whole innocent until proven guilty thing? theres no physical way they can prove that you have more than the 2500 in your vehicles even if you have acquired if from restaurants etc. Who is to say you havent got it stashed away for next year?

Its more a sort of "moral obligation" i believe. A bit like tv licensing and tinternet telly..
I belive long term use damage will be Evident, I rather pay 50p here and there than hundreds in pump refurb bill .
Asda Veg oild now gone up to £2.70 for 3 litres but still very cheap compared to diesel, and i didnt know about the 2500 litres per yr thats very interesting to know as my old man keeps telling me its illegal to use lol
The limit is there to stop people from taking the **** and running a fleet of commercial vehicles on WVO without paying any fuel duty.

But 2500 litres of fuel per year is a LOT. If you get an average of 30mpg (zan79's 300tdi Discovery and my P38 both get about 35mpg, but let's say it's 30mpg for the sake of the argument), that's 6.6 miles/litre. That means 2500 litres/year is good for at least 16483 miles/year. Unless you spend half of your life driving, you are unlikely to exceed that, even if you run it neat, let alone if you run a 50-70% mix.
I belive long term use damage will be Evident, I rather pay 50p here and there than hundreds in pump refurb bill .

really???? over 5 years ive saved on average £150 a month...... £1800 a year so £9000..... hopefully that will cover any pump rebuild... or new engine but all still seems good at the moment??

maybe im just very lucky??? but hey what do i know... after all mine is just first hand experience :)

cheers steve
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