I got a question about this veg oil stuffs, for example if i had a fuel station and i wanted to sell oil from a pump , would it have to have all the taxes on it like diesel and petrol? Or could i sell it at like £1 a litre what it is at supermarkets?
so if the seller is for there knowledge selling you it to use in a car you would need to pay taxes but if they dont know its just vat?
Well you couldn't pump it straight into vehicles. Nothing to stop you selling it off the shelves. Mind you, if you've got a forecourt full of vehicles with their owners pouring it into their tanks you could probably expect a visit from HMRC who would assess you for back tax on everything you've ever sold.
Well your legally allowed to run a car on it but you can only have 2500ltrs per person per year, anything after that you have to pay duty on, but i doubt a garage would be allowed to put it on a pump
thats crazy! How can they justify that?!
I did go to the customer services desk and asked exactly that and the woman said she didnt know as the prices are set by head office so i will be emailing them presently to see what they have to say about it, and if theres no joy there watchdog may be hearing from me!!
and what will the watch dog do?????? chase there tail? Nothing will become of it store can sell stuff for what they want. They own the item and sell it for what they want
and what will the watch dog do?????? chase there tail? Nothing will become of it store can sell stuff for what they want. They own the item and sell it for what they want

This is true , when im next in mine i will have a look to see if its change in my area to, got a friend at a asda will ask him tomorrow aswell, just wait till it goes on offer at another supermarket and buy it by the hundreds ? fill up the garage , atleast its not a fire risk ha, but that does seem cazy that they have out it up that much :/ its even cheaper than that at the supermarket i work at(its another green one like asda)
Well Asda have put thier veg oil up to £4.15 from £2.70 for 3 litres isnt that illegal ?

No it was on offer and that has now ended.
Its now about the same as everywhere else.

I couldnt get any when it was cheap as i dont think they put much stock out but I bet they have loads now its gone up.

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