Hey YD, that P38 seat set went well. Couldn't afford it in the end - I've just gone and bought a new set of tyres!

I'm cool YD, if a little poorer today! Plus I got a quote from my specialist for its next service £230 :(
yella disco said:
he's ok mate thanks, he's decided he don't want the quad anymore
shame mate, try and keep him on it if ya can, fall of get back on sorta thing.
to many kids today hardly venture away from the propaganda box these days.
i'd of jumped at the chance to go mud plugging as a kid. all we had was rusty old push bikes and plenty of trees to climb (cue violins) and diging up old bombs on the works site. did'ent even have anything like the play station so i could'nt stay in twidelin with me knob if i'd of wanted to. ;)
The 9.5l of oil needed to do a change doesn't help!! :eek:

Unfortunately I missed the last "oil change" service as I've been too busy and doing too many miles - so I'm going straight for the "12k" service, which is obviously a bit more involved. I'd do it myself, but the P38 has a FSH up until now and I feel a duty to keep it going!

get down to argos, buy a john bull printing set(can you still get em) and service the ****er yerself ;)
yella disco said:
if it was on flat smooth tarmac it wouldn't be slipping on the snow. lenny was on about the asda at arrow park which has an uphill loading bay so there fore it was up a hill of about 20 degrees and stuck in snow. not beinbg funny stan but do the maths

Lenny never mentioned a slope, will do the calculation tomorrow allowing for a gradient just to see.
i havent got all the papers at home with the calculations on, but i bet the incrrease is more than a couple of ton. if you use muddy ground as the calculus for the snow i think that should work out the same ;)
Same as you my cheat sheet is in the workshop. I'll do it sometime tomorrow, think there might even be a figure for snow when doing rolling resistance.
not sure to be honest, but whatever the out come i srtill wouldnt tow an artic with my landy
LOL YD. A car dealer tried to sell me a car that he'd done that to. The last few "services" were all written in exactly the same hand-writing in exactly the same pen - when questioned he told me he was waiting for the dealer to stamp it for him because they 'forgot' - yeah right!
Redone the calculation taking into account the gradient and using mud to work out the rolling resistance now comes out at 29.3t of effort.
I pulled a horsebox the size of a bus up a hill a couple of weeks ago off my tow bar! Nothings fallen off yet! Disco only gave up when the air ran out and the brakes locked on on the wagon. Supa disco or what!
years ago we pulled a plane(trident or tristar) out of the mud at the end of belize airfield. had someything like a 45:1 pull and, if i remember correctly 4 AEC size trucks to pull the bugger out...the series landy wouldn't touch it

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