as above had 2 days with no faults since checking the was ecu on the weekend, anyway popped up this morning, cleared it and checked voltages to height sensors using hawkeye so i'm hoping someone can shed some light on these.
LF voltage drops as car raises and increases as car drops height
RF voltage increases as car raises and decreases as car drops
RR voltage increases as car raises and decreases as car drops
LR voltage increases as car raises and decreases as car drops
not sure whats going on with these readings i either have one faulty sensor or 3, but not 100% sure how these should work as the car raises & drops is someone could confirm, i have a gut feeling i have a rear sensor issue. i did also have a code pop up RF sensor positive shorted to earth (or along those line) but i had just inspected the cables to it. after i cleared it, it never came back. it's a 2003 l322.
LF voltage drops as car raises and increases as car drops height
RF voltage increases as car raises and decreases as car drops
RR voltage increases as car raises and decreases as car drops
LR voltage increases as car raises and decreases as car drops
not sure whats going on with these readings i either have one faulty sensor or 3, but not 100% sure how these should work as the car raises & drops is someone could confirm, i have a gut feeling i have a rear sensor issue. i did also have a code pop up RF sensor positive shorted to earth (or along those line) but i had just inspected the cables to it. after i cleared it, it never came back. it's a 2003 l322.