The Guys a F**kin nuisance, He goes to the supplying dealer to do his own pre-delivery valet and wonders why they f**k him off every time he goes back with daft quibbles-I don't like my centre console or I don't like the MPG-what a ****!!!

This is the other dick head that was banned & now has hijacked a moderators user name from that forum & posts crap as above! They don't **** me off at all get your facts right children.
FFS ths thread just proves what i've always known. Yu have to be a right fairy to own a gaylander. Handbags at the ready girls :D :D
FFS ths thread just proves what i've always known. Yu have to be a right fairy to own a gaylander. Handbags at the ready girls :D :D

I was lead to this thread by the correct owner of the above user name & really couldn't care less what they say as they are obviously demented & are extreemly childish. Perhaps we should sue for slander etc!
Is it just me that thinks Mr N Pinks is a funny (but apt)name for a mod on a gaylander site
**** off executive are a complete ****ing prick.....sue me moron

F off too looooooooooser. I'm not interested in being on here anyway - too many idiots & by your reply probably one of them! This doesn't seem to be an enthusiasts forum it seems generally to be a place for common folk to be insulting to others.
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why would anyone need an armrest in a car? except for P38 owners, could be a long wait for the recovery mechanic.:D
EV said "They don't **** me off at all get your facts right children."

EV my car washing wannabe from the boot of your motor, it really doesn't sound like your fed up with us he he not.

Think on this, we're still on the FL2 forum but you don’t know who we are because, as a general rule of thumb, everyone verbally abuses you as your a bit of a twit, Enjoy working out who we are ;-)

P.S. I loved the one about the idiot car cleaner with "Feck you" scratched into the door of his car - worth every penny of standing my ground and getting banned ;-)

P.P.S. Note the lack of swearing as I have a brain ;-)
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This PRATT & his mate were banned from Freel2 forum for being very childish. Oh & the kits all sold so stick that where the sun don't shine arse hole!

Grammatically this makes no sense, do you mean sun don't shine, arse hole or do you mean sun don't shine i.e. your arse hole? As it seems strange to tell me to stick it where the “sun don’t shine" followed by arse hole which is where I was presuming you were implying, is this not the case?
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