P.P.S. Note the lack of swearing as I have a brain ;-)

ON the contrary some highly intelligent people have resorted to swearing when the need arose.

General Custer "where the **** did all these injuns come from"

Captain of the titanic "will some cuunt explain where all this water is coming from"

Lord mayor of Hiroshima "what the **** was thaaaaaaaaaa"

Beach warden in the suriname. "that's one big fooking wave"

sadaam Hussain "**** the americans they won't dare hang me"

Etc Etc.

Pikey Redhand Esq. "**** me It's going over?? Oh **** I'm gonna fooking die!!!!"
ive just got a lovely PM from car cleaning dude regarding this, like watching a soap.And poor grammer and swearing are part n parcel of being on here
Thought he wasn't arsed?

The grammar and swearings just a sideline ;-)

At the end of the day he tries to sell stuff to forum members at a higher cost than he sells it elsewhere. I'm not prepared to stand off and watch members of LR forums being ripped off, simples.

Tops and bottoms he's a moaning twit.
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Thought he wasn't arsed?

The grammar and swearings just a sideline ;-)

At the end of the day he tries to sell stuff to forum members at a higher cost than he sells it elsewhere. I'm not prepared to stand off and watch members of LR forums being ripped off, simples.

Tops and bottoms he's a moaning twit.
Feck off Doc !!!!!!. . . . .

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