
Well-Known Member
Do you identify as something else? A washing machine perhaps?
Are you sick and tired of being expected to be rough and butch due to your gender?
Had enough of Brut wearing biker types constantly wanting to buy you a cold one?
Drawing the line at 'putting the boat in the water' and 'firing up the barbie' every damn week end?
Do you cringe at the thoughts of cracking open a beer and watching the game?
Are you crap at DIY?

If you say yes to at least one of these question, I have the answer for you.

Behold, the DIY self castration knock a bollock off gender neutral self medication kit.

For just 19.99 plus postage we will send you our self castration kit, it comprises of one rusty old meat cleaver and some instructions written on a napkin. You have three options, one ball removal , both balls or the entire meat and two veg for an authentic Julian Clary. Guaranteed not to give you your money back.

So dont hesitate, Castrate!

Order now to avoid disappointment.

Nope, just cashing in on other peoples insecurities.
I've never been insecure about my manliness until recently. I've just hit 60 yrs old, good at DIY stuff, eat meat and can still, occasionally, get it up but I STILL have a full head of hair like a wimmin does. Concerned that I may be trans something or other?
I've never been insecure about my manliness until recently. I've just hit 60 yrs old, good at DIY stuff, eat meat and can still, occasionally, get it up but I STILL have a full head of hair like a wimmin does. Concerned that I may be trans something or other?
Get your barber (not a hairdresser) to take your hair down to the wood. Should restore your manliness :cool:

While working on my new willy. I hear that men are changing to women on earth. We heard this could be related to several asteroids hit's early.
We too had issues with our people several million years past. But since evolution and mating with creatures you call PlayDoe, we now fashion our sex organs.

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