Would you be interested in a LPG install 'How To'?

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Personally i would not reccommend promoting DIY LPG installs. I'm sure you would do a fine job Ant as always but as been said already, some folks will take your guide as a prompt to do their own installation without the full knowledge & more importantly, the experience.

Or the desire to do a proper job as opposed to an 'ahhh f**k it, that'll do' job.

Also, it'll need the software to link to the LPG ECU system for setting and calibration
Or the desire to do a proper job as opposed to an 'ahhh f**k it, that'll do' job.

Also, it'll need the software to link to the LPG ECU system for setting and calibration
Very true Adam.

Ant is an engineer with an attention to detail & doing things exactly as specified. I'm sure a few days into the install some folks will adopt 'Solihul attitude' :(
Very true Adam.

Ant is an engineer with an attention to detail & doing things exactly as specified. I'm sure a few days into the install some folks will adopt 'Solihul attitude' :(
Many thanks for the compliment Martyn.....I am a bit OCD in things I do...only because [in my mind] there is no other way to do it...plus, as a Design Engineer of components and assemblies...if I F-up, people could be injured or worse...and I can't live my life like that....

I have bought the Code of Practice direct from the UKLPG Trade Association (£32 good price if you ask me....some British Standards are well over £100 - with members discount!) so will be digesting that fully and completely before I even think of ordering any kits (which will only be had from reputable suppliers I might add) so I can get a full handle on the install guidelines.

If, after reading CoP11, I think that I could not do this safely or correctly, I will not even attempt to start.
The information is out there. Anything you can add (making sure disclaimer is fully visible) can only help, IMO. If people are going to do it they will. Your How To's are very good and can only add to their knowledge and make an accident less likely, especially when referencing sources of legislation etc. I'd go for it!
As with a lot of these guides, they are often extremely helpful in themselves to help gain a better understanding of the areas involved regardless of whether the reader will ever actually do the same work themselves.

It really helps when dealing with so called experts to know when they're talking bull.

My lpg system was "professionally" installed and certified and bits of it are real bodges so as with most things, being a professional is not necessarily an indicator of competence.

I'd be very interested to see how it should be done by someone with Saint 's attention to detail.
I don't see the problem in writing a how to. There are plenty of how-tos and resources out there for people who are looking to DIY install. Buying an LPG system from any reputable source will come with instructions on how to do it yourself and usually support from the supplier.
+1 go for it ant ,many years ago I used to buy classics cheap & convert to lpg with new kits (single point) id fit them & take for inspection to get a certificate.never been a prob
I wrote one when I did mine. Submitted it and never heard from the admins again....
Maybe my write up wasn't good enough, or maybe they don't want that sort of thing on here?
If you do do one Ant, upload it somewhere more public. There are many more people than just us lot would like to read it!
I wrote one when I did mine. Submitted it and never heard from the admins again....
Maybe my write up wasn't good enough, or maybe they don't want that sort of thing on here?
If you do do one Ant, upload it somewhere more public. There are many more people than just us lot would like to read it!
Do you still have it saved somewhere MrG?

Have you tried chasing the Mods for it to be approved....? When I do a How To, I send them a PM to highlight that it is there, as they could miss it....they are no doubt busy.
Wheeler dealers did a v8 Land Rover conversion a while back and there is plenty of information out there already that people could follow, it just a depends whether Landyzone could be held responsible if it went wrong but many of the how to guides on here could have catastrophic consequences if not carried out correctly.
I think having somebody as meticulous as you Ant doing the write up can only be a good thing.
Do as you wish but i think the owners of the forum would need their heads testing if they allowed such an "How to".
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Wheeler dealers did a

And after that you know it's going to go downhill.

IIRC it was a single point system..Dont Get me wrong, Ed China seems very able, but the choices made for the cars leave me shaking my head.. while they look ok-ish for the camera, i'll guess that up close they are not so appealing. Bernie is another one.. The 928 they did was tragic !
Do as you wish but i think the owners of the forum would need their heads testing if they allowed such an "How to".

Anyone who takes anything as given from an internet forum needs their head examining. They are a source of experience and opinion, nothing more. Taking any information from just one source is foolhardy, the internet especially unless it is a professional site. Most forums are clear that any information acted on is at your own risk and quite rightly so. They provide a platform for sharing and nothing more. I would hope that there are enough knowledgeable people on here to comment on anything untoward but you cannot comment on what you cannot see. Personally I would open up the How To section and allow the likes or whatever to rank them. We can always comment and alert the mods if we spot something dangerous.
Do you still have it saved somewhere MrG?

I could have a look, but probably not...

Have you done one before Ant? It's pretty simple. It's actually very safe too. Auto cutoffs everywhere. It's no more dangerous than working on your petrol fuel system I think. Drilling and tapping the inlet manifold is the most terrifying part in my opinion. But even if you make a mistake with that, I expect you can get another cheap off the 'bay.

I might be about to offered a very cheap 525 E39. It needs new front shocks, and is currently "not economical to repair". Any idea how much/ how hard such a job is? It quite high milage, but been looked after really well....(this is how the trouble starts!).
I'd love to see it .. but why do it as a 'How-to' exactly, but label it as a 'What I did' .. Semantics I know ... but wtf, there's loads of how-to's on brakes, for example, that could potentially be quite devastating. Too much molly-coddling hurts more than the odd explosion, I reckon .. ;)

I doubt that I'd use it in anger, but as an engineer (was!) I'm still very interested and it may have a possible future use ... I wanna go V8 in the Landy at some time ... ;)
not to run any of u down but i think you have all beenreading to many negative reviews. now my take is this l attended a weeks courese back in 2000 at blackburn with stargas . now ive converted about 20 vehicles over the years bmw,s range rovers,a couple of rovers and the easiest and best to convert was a lexus is 400 it ran great and the old guy still has it yet and covered over 150000 miles all over europe.if fitted correct and as per the rules there should b no probs ive recently had a conversion done on my range rover by a so called expert because l hadnt time and the room at home to do it but wished l had and when it came back l spent all weekend putting it as it should be pipes not clipped correct, wires left dangling ,not set up right but now after 18 months it runs great and l would recomend to anyone also if your going to europe its a lot cheaper over there so if fitted correct and if you know nothing about it all the better cus we all know what a expert is something that has been and a drip under pressure, so get on with it and love it ps get the software and a lapt top to set it up if u need any help give me a shout
I write from a point of some ignorance but dont the installs have to be certified and the cert checked at MOT ?
No legal requirement for certification or inspection....although to get insyrance you may need an inspection cert and for it to be registered on the UKLPGA register.

No checks done at MOT and no need to produce the cert.
No legal requirement for certification or inspection....although to get insyrance you may need an inspection cert and for it to be registered on the UKLPGA register.

No checks done at MOT and no need to produce the cert.

Are you sure? I thought it had to be checked by a registered person before is could be commissioned?

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