When I wanted to replace my vcu I first looked on ebay and saw the ads in question,
But after reading through these forums I decided to go with bell engineering, So glad I did, and they were cheaper!
They did the same when they ran out of recon VCU's, upped the price to app £900, read it was something to do with avoiding eBay reinsertion fees.
They did the same when they ran out of recon VCU's, upped the price to app £900, read it was something to do with avoiding eBay reinsertion fees.
Quite a few firms do that i think it should be made illeagal, i will never by of freelander spares or 4x4 or what ever they want to call them selfs again, left me in the deep when the "new" vcu i brought off them went in the deep snow if it was not for another 4x4 owner i dred to think, i part ex my old freelander td4 auto with 173000 on the clock for a newer one a td4 auto hse.
My blood ran cold when I saw this thread...I've got vcu bearing rumble at the moment (see separate thread) I've managed to get hold of a pair of gkn/fag bearings. The old bearings are only a year old and were fitted with a vcu as a 'complete' set about 8000 miles ago ( by previous owner.). The receipt for the 'vcu complete with bearings' is from freelander spares uk! Now wondering if my vcu is as **** as the bearings it came with?
I've only owned the car for a few months. Vcu was replaced by previous owner approx 8000 miles ago. Receipts are from the shower being discussed in this thread. I naively thought that as the vcu had been replaced fairly recently I didn't have to worry about it. Started with vcu bearing rumble last week so has been on my mind a bit (although wife gave birth to #2 son on Wednesday so had better things to think about) I've got a feeling my vcu is as **** as the bearings though! ( had a sloppy slippy moment on ice recently) is there a way to test without long bar and weights (I haven't got either)
Thanks, gonna do the jacked up breaker bar test when I get a minute (in between exorcist curdled milk vomit and technicolour nappies!) I think I know what the answer is going to be though ! Anyone know what kind of turnaround bell engineering have. Don't want to be in mondo mode for too long (snow forecast here)
Gloker, I tried Bell Engineering via brother-in-law, just before Christmas for a VCU (and IRD) they flagged they had none available at the time but suggested mid to end Jan for the VCU. They recommended Freelander Specialist (www.freelanderspecialist.com) if I needed anything quicker.

Got the IRD from them before Christmas and picking up the VCU/bearings tomorrow morning. Might be worth taking a look and giving them a call to see if they can help.

I was very impressed with the customer service and knowledge for the IRD, and if Bell Engineering recommend them, should be good.
Thanks, gonna do the jacked up breaker bar test when I get a minute (in between exorcist curdled milk vomit and technicolour nappies!) I think I know what the answer is going to be though ! Anyone know what kind of turnaround bell engineering have. Don't want to be in mondo mode for too long (snow forecast here)

Hi there, congratulations on the new arrival.
I ordered my VCU on, I think, a Monday, it was dispatched on Thursday and I received it on Friday. They send a return label and the cost of the return is included in the purchase price. The bearings where shot on my old one, thank you Freelander Spares UK, the new ones were as smooth as a maidens thigh. It was sat on my dining table for a while while I was waiting to have it fitted and I had to give it a spin each time I walked by.
I find the best test for the unit is to find a slippery surface, where wheel marks will not be an issue, and pull away fast. Have someone watch and if the front wheels spin more than a revolution with out the back wheels kicking in your unit is knackered. Simples.

Best of luck.

Well, today I got under the freelander. Took the prop and vcu off. Vcu is a 'freelanderspares uk' 'empty vessel' that basically does nothing! The bearings on it were also made of cheese. (Rubbers perished and bearings shot) now according to receipts these were all replaced at the end of 2011 and about 8000 miles ago! Anyhow. Whilst the lot was off I took car for a spin.
Bloody noise is still there! I don't think the vcu bearings were helping, but now worried its something more terminal! I'm losing the will with it and I've booked it in with a local Indy to have a look ( at the wife's insistence) he was trying to be positive on the phone ( "could be a wheel bearing" "could be transfer box oil needing a change" )
Either which way it's still gonna need a vcu that works! I will update as I find out. Gutted as my synergy arrived this morning!
Oh and thanks to everyone who has sent congratulations. Joshua Bradley arrived safe and well 7lb3oz, mum and baby both well. Cheers :)
Hippo, would you buy another FL1, seriously??:) Proper question, any idea what approx temp the wax stat should open as starting to wonder if mine is fooked? Terrible thread etique, I know!
Don't know about the stat.

Would I buy another? Yes, but the following I wrote some time ago shows my thinking on buying another FL1. It would need to be a diesel auto but I'd be very tempted to go for a FL2 diesel auto instead. http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/1893774-post13.html
Don't know about the stat.

Would I buy another? Yes, but the following I wrote some time ago shows my thinking on buying another FL1. It would need to be a diesel auto but I'd be very tempted to go for a FL2 diesel auto instead. http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/1893774-post13.html

It was a loaded question obv. The FL2 is without doubt a superior vehicle and worthy of consideration if you have the cash. It is however hideously complex with dozens of sensors, even more than FL1 Td4 - reading threads puts me off changing my rather simple (by comparison) 2001 K1.8 for anything more modern or doozal. I would never buy another FL1 as been there and done it and they are not so interesting to be hooked on - not for me anyway!
It was a loaded question obv. The FL2 is without doubt a superior vehicle and worthy of consideration if you have the cash. It is however hideously complex with dozens of sensors, even more than FL1 Td4 - reading threads puts me off changing my rather simple (by comparison) 2001 K1.8 for anything more modern or doozal. I would never buy another FL1 as been there and done it and they are not so interesting to be hooked on - not for me anyway!
I think these days every new car has a lot of electrics so more owners are buying code readers to help themselves. I've done a LR experience day in a FL2 and D4 and like them both but the FL2 is betterer value for money which would be my choice. Since my request for peeps to buy more red and blue FL2's I've noticed this has been done. It may also be down to Evoque advertsing as they have shown non black/sliver/white examples which I think is tempting the new buyers towards other colours. A late td4 FL1 would be a nice replacement if my v6 if it were to be taken oft the road but I can't help thinking the ride is so much betterer in the FL2. The electronics bit doesn't bother me too much. I would go for the GS diesel auto and hope for and SD4 option, a few years old I think. But I would only get one if I could afford it at the time.
I think these days every new car has a lot of electrics so more owners are buying code readers to help themselves. I've done a LR experience day in a FL2 and D4 and like them both but the FL2 is betterer value for money which would be my choice. Since my request for peeps to buy more red and blue FL2's I've noticed this has been done. It may also be down to Evoque advertsing as they have shown non black/sliver/white examples which I think is tempting the new buyers towards other colours. A late td4 FL1 would be a nice replacement if my v6 if it were to be taken oft the road but I can't help thinking the ride is so much betterer in the FL2. The electronics bit doesn't bother me too much. I would go for the GS diesel auto and hope for and SD4 option, a few years old I think. But I would only get one if I could afford it at the time.

We are in broad agreement then. So, if I have a suitcase full of cash, its off to Harwoods and a RRS TDV8 or D4 for me and let them look after it. Back in the real world I'm thinking more and more around Tdi powered D or Def or even 2.25 petrol, again cos relatively simples.:)
We are in broad agreement then. So, if I have a suitcase full of cash, its off to Harwoods and a RRS TDV8 or D4 for me and let them look after it. Back in the real world I'm thinking more and more around Tdi powered D or Def or even 2.25 petrol, again cos relatively simples.:)
Cars these days are far more reliable than years ago. Electrics / electrnoics has improved a lot over the years. Mechanical reliability is also good. You can get a bad one but generally if you look after it then it should be ok. There's loads of rr, rrs, d3 d4 and fl2 out there. I don't see many broken down. So I'm using that theory to help me buy a FL2 in the sad event of ma heap being taken oft the road for good. Well thats my reasoning. I'd get a hawkeye with FL2 option (sell my FL1 version or just add another license to it) and hope for the best. We don't have the FL2 rave disk but you can pay for access to LR's website for info. Also the added bonus of the web means we can share info and fixes. Think thats me convinced.
Cars these days are far more reliable than years ago. Electrics / electrnoics has improved a lot over the years. Mechanical reliability is also good. You can get a bad one but generally if you look after it then it should be ok. There's loads of rr, rrs, d3 d4 and fl2 out there. I don't see many broken down. So I'm using that theory to help me buy a FL2 in the sad event of ma heap being taken oft the road for good. Well thats my reasoning. I'd get a hawkeye with FL2 option (sell my FL1 version or just add another license to it) and hope for the best. We don't have the FL2 rave disk but you can pay for access to LR's website for info. Also the added bonus of the web means we can share info and fixes. Think thats me convinced.

Seems as through you have your plan. Agree, more reliable but less DIY friendly. Just for context, my Fleaby is not our main vehicle and is very much a second/hobby car. It has proved to be very reliable overall - but then not too much is asked of it! I think that the way we use these vehicles informs our discussions and if I was still flying up and down motorways all day, I would defo have stuck with my Passat or similar!! Horses for courses (for burgers):)

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