It might...... officer!

(I actually have the replacement drum pads and pins/springs to sort it in the garage but I have done my neck in something chronic and dont think I can face crawling under the landy yet)
If you're passing through Hawkshead stop and have a lemonade at the kings arms
They do coffee and muffins and a mean cheesecake but its mainly pub grub ..good though :)
Hi guys and gals just a heads up kendal is on flood alert at the mo so if your doing breast high, the river crossing on the kendal side WILL be in flood .Have a great day out.
Same here. Got a new CB for Christmas off the better half so just slung that in temp ready for Saturday.
It feels a bit strange starting over again with new kit but will be well worth it in the end.
Same here. Got a new CB for Christmas off the better half so just slung that in temp ready for Saturday.
It feels a bit strange starting over again with new kit but will be well worth it in the end.

thats not a bad shout

ive got a cb in the garage but not hooked it up yet. maybe a little project for tomorrow.
Oh out of interest how long is this route? Mrs vil is thinking of coming along depending on time etc

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