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I did today. Amazing how quickly it happened. I was grinding the end of the cross member that has the gearbox mounting on it. Had been cutting at different angles, but ended up cutting with the sparks hitting my leg, just above the knee. Pretty quickly I noticed yellow flickers leaping up through the sparks. switched grinder off my leg was well a hold. big hole in overalls and track suit pants. Leg absolutely fine :D

Lucky though :eek:
Not recently and not myself but I did once accidentally squirt my boss in the face with WD40 and set his beard on fire whilst freeing a handbrake mechanism under a van. I didn't work there long :)
yup, today as well.

started to spray bits of my welding cart with primer yesterday. got it balanced on my workmate, so I don't have to bend too much.

today, I welded a handle on it, but didn't move the dust sheet.

Just happened to look on the floor, and there were flames all around my feet.

stamp, stamp, stamp...........
I did today. Amazing how quickly it happened. I was grinding the end of the cross member that has the gearbox mounting on it. Had been cutting at different angles, but ended up cutting with the sparks hitting my leg, just above the knee. Pretty quickly I noticed yellow flickers leaping up through the sparks. switched grinder off my leg was well a hold. big hole in overalls and track suit pants. Leg absolutely fine :D

Lucky though :eek:

Trackies? :eek::eek::eek:
:lol: Sorry I shouldn't laugh :eek:
But I set my trousers on fire chopping a chassis up with a stihl saw for a mate a couple of years back.
I try and be more careful now.
I did today. Amazing how quickly it happened. I was grinding the end of the cross member that has the gearbox mounting on it. Had been cutting at different angles, but ended up cutting with the sparks hitting my leg, just above the knee. Pretty quickly I noticed yellow flickers leaping up through the sparks. switched grinder off my leg was well a hold. big hole in overalls and track suit pants. Leg absolutely fine :D

Lucky though :eek:

quite often and like you with the grinder ,ruined another pair of overalls today
I was involved with a fire accident at work the other day. As It was at work i won't go into details but let's say I was using a plasma cutter, I had Somone next to me with a hosepipe just incase anything happened and 20 minuets later it did and 2 fire engines came out. Again I was surprised how quick it got Worse.... And how much other people flap when the situation is almost under control
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Trackies, I know! But they are old and Ideal for oily work.
Very combustible though :flame2: As were my overalls :eek:
think most of s older landyzoners have been burnt, cut with angle grinders, had sizzling bits of weld in our ears, down our boots making us hop about a bit, overalls on fire, trod on sharp bits just cut off......
the list is endless...
but sadly or gladly, I`ve been doing all that for years now.
as I type, I`m wearing years old black (once) trakkie bottoms that are cut/burnt/holed after just the last few years of service, but they hold themselves up, go under my john boy bib and brace overalls (with holes/cuts/burns)
I`ve got through a few old fleece jackets I wear when its a bit cold for me, but yes, they burn easy when cutting with angle grinders...
I`m no model of fashion when working, just old clothes that hopefully protect me a "bit" while working on landies/cars/projects..
I`ve enen got some old plastic seated stools I use as "benches" when cutting steel, and there going rusty !!!! lol
rusty plastic - it`ll never catch on ;)
think most of s older landyzoners have been burnt, cut with angle grinders, had sizzling bits of weld in our ears, down our boots making us hop about a bit, overalls on fire, trod on sharp bits just cut off......
the list is endless...
but sadly or gladly, I`ve been doing all that for years now.
as I type, I`m wearing years old black (once) trakkie bottoms that are cut/burnt/holed after just the last few years of service, but they hold themselves up, go under my john boy bib and brace overalls (with holes/cuts/burns)
I`ve got through a few old fleece jackets I wear when its a bit cold for me, but yes, they burn easy when cutting with angle grinders...
I`m no model of fashion when working, just old clothes that hopefully protect me a "bit" while working on landies/cars/projects..
I`ve enen got some old plastic seated stools I use as "benches" when cutting steel, and there going rusty !!!! lol
rusty plastic - it`ll never catch on ;)

You for got picking up a just welded or torch cut piece of steel
plasma cut steel is a bad one too as are bits of swarf getting stuck in your hands and of course the arse that is metal splinters
Got molten metal in my ear when I was welding the diff guards on......that hurt

I did this welding my footwell, the worst thing.

I have set light to an overall grinding, I then invested in a fire retardant one which seems pretty good, it's covered in oil and paint and **** now and it still won't set light, not from just grinding anyway.

Oh and yes, hot pieces of steel you forget are still hot when you have just welded them....

I have one of those rage chop saw for chopping metal, it throws out small slivers of metal at speed that I bed I. Your hands if not wearing gloves
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I did this welding my footwell, the worst thing.

I have set light to an overall grinding, I then invested in a fire retardant one which seems pretty good, it's covered in oil and paint and **** now and it still won't set light, not from just grinding anyway.

Oh and yes, hot pieces of steel you forget are still hot when you have just welded them....

I have one of those rage chop saw for chopping metal, it throws out small slivers of metal at speed that I bed I. Your hands if not wearing gloves

I did that after chopping a bit of steel to fit somewhere for the bulkhead......needed one more patch, saw a perfect piece on the floor and I'd apparently cut it off earlier....picked it up and had a lovely imprint in my fingers for a couple of days after

Metal in the ear is the worst though, hurts for a bit and makes you feel sick. Swear I felt it working its way through my skull
ask suew, she found it most amusing.
may even be a piccy of it kicking about.

operating ramps, watching load going up.
stood in front of fireball space heater.........

set me left leg on fire.
LOL at all the burning hot bits then picking up..
as I`m losing the feel in my feet and fingers quite badly now, (diabetis)
the "receptors" that are in layers under your skin are the alarm bells of pain.
the first few layers tell you if somethings hot/sharp/very cold and so on very quickly, well there gone now, so I can pick something up, with no pain for a fraction of time till my lower/deeper receptors start SCREAMING - FECK ME It hurts...then it gets dropped,
same with treading on something with no socks/slippers/thin soled shoes.

as for splinters, working in aerospace parts production you get many many splinters, but for me, the very worse are magnesium splinters..anti magnetic, horrid things that go black while inside your skin..
I`ve got a scarred left eye caused by hot swarf one time, and trips to hospital for the removel of steel splinters from my left eye (strangely not right one)---fingers crossed !!!
they used a magnetic needle to flick it out - not good - not good at all...

like many many others out in LZ land of my age/ past/ experiances, think we can wear the T shirt with pride while proudly proclaiming
" been there - done that "

but so far in my life, I`ve had some good fun......

except I cant find my lost valve stem cap........yet.. ;)
ask suew, she found it most amusing.
may even be a piccy of it kicking about.

operating ramps, watching load going up.
stood in front of fireball space heater.........

set me left leg on fire.

:hysterically_laughi True story

Only slightly less scary than setting oil burner thing on fire

I probably have photos of both :D
I always wear a cap ... mostly knitted and covering ears too ...

I set the cap on fire when welding the rockslider/sills on my Disco .. Didn't know till Juliet shouted at me!

Also did the obvious one of welding the outside whilst setting the interior plastics on fire ... then trying to put it out with a bare hand (Why I took the welding glove off I'll never know) and getting burning plastic stuck to my hand, now _that_ hurt!
There was a road line company working at the land rover dealers in Chelmsford yesterday and they got a bit close to the building whilst removing the old lines with their thermo lance and melted a mastic joint and then ignited the cavity insulation .ooops.then five fire engines turned up and they smashed a hole the size of a barn door in the wall and shoved a hose pipe up it for an hour just to make sure it was out.explain that one to your boss.

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