I always think that a large blob of melted underseal on your skin is the worst, you can't get it off and putting water on it don't cool it very fast.
I once was lying under a Rover taking the exhaust off, I heated a manifold nut red hot, turned it and it snapped off and dropped straight down me neck hole. by the time I had scrambled out it had run down me chest for about 12 inch. I turned over on all 4's and it burnt out through my overalls.
I have had a few fires that is why I have three fire extinguishers in my garage at home.
I always think that a large blob of melted underseal on your skin is the worst, you can't get it off and putting water on it don't cool it very fast.
I once was lying under a Rover taking the exhaust off, I heated a manifold nut red hot, turned it and it snapped off and dropped straight down me neck hole. by the time I had scrambled out it had run down me chest for about 12 inch. I turned over on all 4's and it burnt out through my overalls.
I have had a few fires that is why I have three fire extinguishers in my garage at home.

oooo that's nasty

weld in ear.. from now on i wear ear defenders if welding upside down.

**** in eyes from grinder.. now i wear goggles..

someone needs to invent decent knuckle protectors, i'm always scaring them
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oooo that's nasty

weld in ear.. from now on i wear ear defenders if welding upside down.

**** in eyes from grinder.. now i wear goggles..

someone needs to invent decent knuckle protectors, i'm always scaring them

1) them spongey ones on a blue "string" I still got from engineering,
plus some huge over ear things that make me disoriantated , but cover my ears up.
2) always got a couple of pairs of very good shaped ones, plus some awful over glasses things on elestic..
3) always wear them black builders gloves now, not very good for knuckles but I have various leather riggers gloves been "donated" to me, and 1 pair in blue are so good I wear them when out on my scooter....try a pair...there good..
I always think that a large blob of melted underseal on your skin is the worst, you can't get it off and putting water on it don't cool it very fast.
I once was lying under a Rover taking the exhaust off, I heated a manifold nut red hot, turned it and it snapped off and dropped straight down me neck hole. by the time I had scrambled out it had run down me chest for about 12 inch. I turned over on all 4's and it burnt out through my overalls.
I have had a few fires that is why I have three fire extinguishers in my garage at home.

I have had similar happen a few times , one down the neck hole same as you and a few down sleeves , still have scars from them
I have had similar happen a few times , one down the neck hole same as you and a few down sleeves , still have scars from them

oh dear, this is becoming like old men discussing war wounds,
or as in the 1st Jaws movie.....

Were gonna need a bigger boat now!
Had an old Tilley pressure paraffin lamp give way on the beach one night fishing,had just been pumping it up again and when I let go of the plunger it fired out of the lamp base,spraying my arm and shoulder with hot paraffin which then lit from the lamp-quickly as I could buried myself in shingle while my mates laughed hysterically-luckily got away with it also lucky it was not a petrol lamp-use head torches now.
Hells teeth. It's surprising we haven't made the ten o'clock news! :D

Great stories though, I've had a good laugh. You can laugh at close escapes. Safety first though lads! ;)
Had an old Tilley pressure paraffin lamp give way on the beach one night fishing,had just been pumping it up again and when I let go of the plunger it fired out of the lamp base,spraying my arm and shoulder with hot paraffin which then lit from the lamp-quickly as I could buried myself in shingle while my mates laughed hysterically-luckily got away with it also lucky it was not a petrol lamp-use head torches now.

years ago my dad gave me a newly new petrol version of them pump up lamps, he bought it when unleaded was not generally available...
its still in good condition apart from its little mantle..
used it once, never used it since.
very simular to this but in green enamal
Coleman Powerhouse Unleaded 2 Mantle Lantern | Camping Equipment | Camping Online UK

must buy a new mantle now and have a careful play with it- soon :eek:
Not so much a story of fire but it could've been nasty....

SWMBO had a stereo in the corner of the room, plug over other side - I got fed up of her running a cable across room. One afty, she were out so I decides to run a cable round the skirting as you do... so I roughly tack the cable to the skirting with a bit of length either end - bung the socket on the 'stereo' end and pull the cable tight on the other end. Bang a plug on and switch it on to test it. Go and get a cuppa. Come back and decide that the plug end could do with being a bit shorter - so I sit down put the cable on me leg and cut through it with a stanley knife - all the while the fecker is still on - I only work it out when the stereo goes off and I think the leckky's tripped!!

Not the first time or the last - my usual trick is with electric garden tools n cutting the wire!!
years ago my dad gave me a newly new petrol version of them pump up lamps, he bought it when unleaded was not generally available...
its still in good condition apart from its little mantle..
used it once, never used it since.
very simular to this but in green enamal
Coleman Powerhouse Unleaded 2 Mantle Lantern | Camping Equipment | Camping Online UK

must buy a new mantle now and have a careful play with it- soon :eek:

Think my trouble was it was a boot fair purchase and very old,and the leather sealing washers and non return valve had perished-I should have checked,but of course you think that it will be ok.
Human torch experiment teaches you otherwise.:eek:
If it had been petrol,I doubt I would have stopped my arm and shoulder burning so easily-frightening stuff
years ago my dad gave me a newly new petrol version of them pump up lamps, he bought it when unleaded was not generally available...

its still in good condition apart from its little mantle..

used it once, never used it since.

very simular to this but in green enamal

Coleman Powerhouse Unleaded 2 Mantle Lantern | Camping Equipment | Camping Online UK

must buy a new mantle now and have a careful play with it- soon :eek:

They are great lanterns pump thirty times light on full power then watch flames pump some more job done
Not me but hubby has several times. A couple of weeks ago he was welding the van up for its MOT (It's got that much weld and metal on it that it now resembles a tank) ...

He was doing some awkward bit where he couldn't wear his helmet and gloves :confused:

Anyway he set the electric cables on fire and tried to put the fire out with his bare hands ... then set his head on fire right on his thinning patch :lol: xxx
Not me but hubby has several times. A couple of weeks ago he was welding the van up for its MOT (It's got that much weld and metal on it that it now resembles a tank) ...

He was doing some awkward bit where he couldn't wear his helmet and gloves :confused:

Anyway he set the electric cables on fire and tried to put the fire out with his bare hands ... then set his head on fire right on his thinning patch :lol: xxx

Looks like you are going down in flames on another thread..........:lol::lol::lol::lol::p
LOL at all the burning hot bits then picking up..
as I`m losing the feel in my feet and fingers quite badly now, (diabetis)
the "receptors" that are in layers under your skin are the alarm bells of pain.
the first few layers tell you if somethings hot/sharp/very cold and so on very quickly, well there gone now, so I can pick something up, with no pain for a fraction of time till my lower/deeper receptors start SCREAMING - FECK ME It hurts...then it gets dropped,

Im very similar in my shins and forearms as i did Muay Thai for many years and part of training is conditioning parts of your body you hit other people with like shins elbows/forearms and fists and that has led to many injuries and burns because i just dont feel it untill its bad.
was stood in front of a jet heater once with work trousers on and didnt realise that it had burnt through my trousers and was roasting my shins untill it was really bad, that led to A+E after it got infected.
The other day i was welding sills on a KA but i made it all up and welding the angles before tacking it on the car, i was wearing a t shirt:eek: and lent my arm down to talk to someone and didnt realise where i put it for 20-25 seconds untill i felt it and now the entire left side of my forearm is one mass of big blisters and scortched skin.... That hurt!
I accidently boiled an aga kettle dry (at my old employers house) panicked, ran to the sink...took off the lid and tried to cool it by adding cold water. Steam flying up on my fingers wrapped around the handle and didn't drop it as scared it would damage the worktop, which was granite lol! Needless to say next time, feck the kettle! Fingers burned...literally. That hutt!

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