
Well-Known Member
As per title, anyone running HVO in their Land Rover jalopy? Have been reading up on HVO and as a synthesised bio fuel fuel it seems a logical improvement over high polluting diesel.
HVO. Heated veg oil?

Nearly...hydrogenated vegetable oil. It's uses hydrogen as a catalyst. Has been around for a good while overseas/in industrial [commercial] applications. UK commercial fuel market finally seems to be waking up to HVO viability. Though as usual the UK at least a decade behind some other countries :rolleyes:

I'm really interested in running this clean alternative in the Landy. Have phoned around a pile of HVO advertising supply Co's this afternoon [Watson Fuels, Ford Fuels, Certas Energy, Nationwide Fuels, SpeedyFuels et al]. Most next to useless in being able to provide clear succinct info', i.e. minimum delivery quantity and price. Only semi-useful was Nationwide who confirmed minimum delivery of 500ltrs HVO [I don't mind having a mini-IBC hidden in the driveway] @ £1.65/ltr incl' delivery. Fellow on the phone then states it's a minimum 1000ltr delivery for domestic customers...I give up.

I'll keep persevering as I think HVO is a very high quality drop-in/direct replacement for white diesel.
At £1.65 per litre, it’s quite a bit more than normal expensive diesel. The previous owner of my Landy used to run biodiesel in it, which is a possibility.
Didnt the jolly Germans make/use syn fuel in Poland as they had no fuel resources of their own?
@lynall , yes + the Germs were lightyears ahead in synthetic fuel R&D from as far back as WWII. Is it any wonder Rudolf Diesel was...German? Diesel, invented in 1892, 130 years later and we're still using this big polluter :(
Big plant operators are starting to move over to this ahead of the red going. My firm have tried it and moaned about the cost cos they are small fry. But it seems to work although supply is quite limited, everything comes from the Scandinavians currently.
"Have been reading up on HVO and as a synthesised bio fuel fuel it seems a logical improvement over high polluting diesel." I think you have been listening to too much green party propaganda. Yes diesel does polute but in a different way to petrol. Diesel emits less Co2 than petrol but its the NOx which all the fuss is about now, this effects us and our health more than the environment and is more of an issue in cities and built up areas than in rural areas. I dont particularly care what powers my Landy as long as I can continue to drive it but I would also like to do as much as I can to protect the environment. A lot of the propaganda at the moment is only scaremongering and not helpful if there was as much effort put into effecting solutions to the environmental issues rather than introducing tax's and rushing into electrification which is not sustainable either things would be lot better.
Not sure why anyone would bother running it unless you have a plentiful supply which is either cheap or buck shee? :)
I own my own garage o_O
I did look into it in a shallow manner and 1400€ oil spinner is a start, then heating and blending tanks and gear.. Big outlay.. Hmmmm
@Mark Piercy

I own my own garage o_O >>congratulations...<<
I did look into it in a shallow manner and 1400€ oil spinner is a start, then heating and blending tanks and gear.. Big outlay.. Hmmmm

>>I think it's too early for some garages to start selling HVO, not enough demand quite yet. But could you not contact one of the primary suppliers, do a low cost lease/package deal of the equipment from them and get the HVO supplier to direct commercial sales to you as a preferred HVO station. Both Co's would financially gain...<<
@Mark Piercy

I own my own garage o_O >>congratulations...<<
I did look into it in a shallow manner and 1400€ oil spinner is a start, then heating and blending tanks and gear.. Big outlay.. Hmmmm
Should have said run my own garage but thanks for the appreciation, its not easy.. :p
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The standard bosch ve injection pump and injectors were fitted to almost every type of diesel car of that age. My reseal guide was based on this pump fitted in our old nissan terrano which is still going strong on 198k miles.
Is it anything like tvo? My 2A is supposed to run on that stuff

Tvo is a heating oil/petrol mix. Engine needs to run a bit hotter to get the fuel to vaporise properly. I’ve got a tvo Fergie and it’s got a heat shield on the exhaust manifold to heat it up quicker.
I've been looking into this and came across this post. Assuming by the replies to the OP nobody was actually running or even tried HVO. It seems the government class HVO as diesel and therefore tax it the same so it's not really financially viable unless your sole intent is to save the world, which is beyond saving anyway! Not even sure where you would buy it from - from a quick google search all the main fuel wholesalers do it but there's no prices and can only assume it would come in 45 gallon drums or something.

Having not swallowed the electric car pill I am not that keen to get into electric while it's still clearly an unsustainable alternative.

It would be interesting to hear from anyone who's tried it or runs it regularly.

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