Hi, guys - sorry I've not posted for a while - life has been a wee bit manic. So - to update - OSD now has (almost) full use of his R leg, and about 60% of his R arm (although his arm causes nerve pain - presumably as they've been MIA for so long). No more catheter - he can go to the loo (with assistance there and back) - and best of all, from his point of view, he's no longer tube fed and is eating proper food!!

My main purpose in life now is keeping up a steady supply of Bournville giant chocolate buttons and Jaffa Cakes (he's still not allowed anything too 'chokey' - but melting chocolate changes his whole features - bliss - after so long with a tube up his nose!!)

I'm still unsure as to when he can come home - but at this rate, it won't be too long. (Trouble is, I'll have to get the ruddy vacuum and duster out!!) His speech is still a wee bit flakey, especially when physio have had him in the gym all morning and he's knackered - but it's coming on really well - and his swear words are as clear as a bell! (Strange, since he usually doesn't swear a lot - he has a range of devastating words which usually work much more effectively).

Fingers crossed, he'll be back before too long, posting on here for himself - thank you all for your good wishes - I imagine the real trouble begins when he sets foot across the doorstep. (I'll have to provide him with a little jingly bell to ring when he wants ' service'). Signing off for now, OSB xx
Hi, guys - sorry I've not posted for a while - life has been a wee bit manic. So - to update - OSD now has (almost) full use of his R leg, and about 60% of his R arm (although his arm causes nerve pain - presumably as they've been MIA for so long). No more catheter - he can go to the loo (with assistance there and back) - and best of all, from his point of view, he's no longer tube fed and is eating proper food!!

My main purpose in life now is keeping up a steady supply of Bournville giant chocolate buttons and Jaffa Cakes (he's still not allowed anything too 'chokey' - but melting chocolate changes his whole features - bliss - after so long with a tube up his nose!!)

I'm still unsure as to when he can come home - but at this rate, it won't be too long. (Trouble is, I'll have to get the ruddy vacuum and duster out!!) His speech is still a wee bit flakey, especially when physio have had him in the gym all morning and he's knackered - but it's coming on really well - and his swear words are as clear as a bell! (Strange, since he usually doesn't swear a lot - he has a range of devastating words which usually work much more effectively).

Fingers crossed, he'll be back before too long, posting on here for himself - thank you all for your good wishes - I imagine the real trouble begins when he sets foot across the doorstep. (I'll have to provide him with a little jingly bell to ring when he wants ' service'). Signing off for now, OSB xx
Hell you been through alot. Get a house cleaner to clean the cob webs out, or get a neighbor to do it for a few quid and a big thanks.
Tell OSD glad to hear on the positive progress, and hats off to you for being a good trooper and a darling wifey
Hi, guys - sorry I've not posted for a while - life has been a wee bit manic. So - to update - OSD now has (almost) full use of his R leg, and about 60% of his R arm (although his arm causes nerve pain - presumably as they've been MIA for so long). No more catheter - he can go to the loo (with assistance there and back) - and best of all, from his point of view, he's no longer tube fed and is eating proper food!! OSB xx

I am delighted to hear that he is making so much progress. He is well on his way now that he can see progress.
Tell him to keep up the effort and we all look forward to welcoming him back very, very soon.
You must be exhausted!
Bloody hell, how did I miss this news! :oops: Tell me old Northern Marra I'm asking after hims and looking forward to seeing him fully recovered and back on here.
Lots of love and best wishes to both of you. Xx
Yup - knackered, as they say in the NE! (But, as they say in the L'Oreal ads - "He's worth it!"
That is a concern I've always had in the back of my mind, Is having the misses stand by my side with a major health issue. OSD and I are very close in age. You are the best that a man could hope for. Also my doris is a RN and she does a good job keeping a eye out for me. Like you she is the best.
Both of you OSD&OSB have a great day and my thoughts and well wishes will be riding with.
@Hippo thank you for forwarding me the link to this thread.

It’s truly heartbreaking reading what has happened. It all passed me by whilst on my hiatus from the forum. I’m honestly gutted and upset and am wishing him and his dear lady @Old Sea Bitch all the best. As I live relatively close to old Herb, he had helped me sort a couple of issues out with my Defender when first getting it. The first time I went to his house, I noticed proudly sitting there, was his big blue 110, rough and ready but incredibly reliable. A lovey chap who loves all things seafaring and his trusty 110. I definitely miss his dry humour on the forum.

Come on Herb, you old bugger…. Get well soon because we’re all missing you. And to @Old Sea Bitch, you must be very proud of him and yourself.

If you both need anything, please just PM me and I would be happy to help in anyway.

Keep strong.

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