
Hi got a freelander 2 and someone has broken the hold down bolt to a injector and held it down with a small bolt against it l wanted to do a compression test but cannot get a good sealso it must not be sealing right when injector is in can anybody recommend a mobile drill and retaper if there is such a person please l live in the North East in Darlington County Durham thanks kevinsv
Sounds like a gap in the market, if anyone wants to set up in business once the Covid restrictions are over. Sadly I don't know anyone, but as this is one of my least favourite jobs I'd be interested in paying some one if I knew I could just hand over some money and they'd do a reasonably accurate, strong job. Oh, and put in helicoils too.
Hi got a freelander 2 and someone has broken the hold down bolt to a injector and held it down with a small bolt against it l wanted to do a compression test but cannot get a good sealso it must not be sealing right when injector is in can anybody recommend a mobile drill and retaper if there is such a person please l live in the North East in Darlington County Durham thanks kevinsv
must be a small engineering shop in your locality,i doubt any would come to your door
Has it snapped flush with the head?
If there is a bit protruding then it may be easier to weld a nut on it and then unscrew it.
I have done this on a couple of occasions and have found that the heat from the welding frees up the threads, making removal easy.
You do not need the nut to be a tight fit, if it is oversize it is easier to get a good bit of weld into it.
Good luck.
Has it snapped flush with the head?
If there is a bit protruding then it may be easier to weld a nut on it and then unscrew it.
I have done this on a couple of occasions and have found that the heat from the welding frees up the threads, making removal easy.
You do not need the nut to be a tight fit, if it is oversize it is easier to get a good bit of weld into it.
Good luck.
No looks like they have tried drilling it out and gone wrong have you any idea has to how thick the head is in that spot do you think l can drill it and put a type of stud in the hole any idea what type of epoxy or glue would hold it in then l can hold it in the right position with a nut thanks for the reply
No looks like they have tried drilling it out and gone wrong have you any idea has to how thick the head is in that spot do you think l can drill it and put a type of stud in the hole any idea what type of epoxy or glue would hold it in then l can hold it in the right position with a nut thanks for the reply
epoxy or glue wont do it needs carefully drilling out and a helicoil fitted if threads are damaged dont butcher it
You may have to bite the bullet and take the head off.
If it is half butchered, you may need a thicker insert rather than a helicoil.
Either way it will need drilling very very accurately with a pillar drill or similar, a hand held Black and Decker won't work as the previous owner has demonstrated.
epoxy or glue wont do it needs carefully drilling out and a helicoil fitted if threads are damaged dont butcher it
Hi it looks like it's been butchered it already they have tried drilling it but gone wrong they must have forgotten the broken bolt is harder than the head and gone well off it. thanks kev
You may have to bite the bullet and take the head off.
If it is half butchered, you may need a thicker insert rather than a helicoil.
Either way it will need drilling very very accurately with a pillar drill or similar, a hand held Black and Decker won't work as the previous owner has demonstrated.
I don't think that the previous owner knew about it he was a mortgage broker in London said he spent loads on it what ever it needed l had it delivered and the garage did not send me all the paperwork and the spare key now they just ignore my messages about it so l cannot see him messing about with it thanks kev

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