
Anyone out there interested in going out laning in or around south Oxfordshire over the Christmas period? I'm a relative newby - have done a few days at Aldermaston - so could do with some company. I'm based in Woodcote.
I'm not sure there are any decent lanes - I thought they made them all off-limits a few years back :(
Anyone out there interested in going out laning in or around south Oxfordshire over the Christmas period? I'm a relative newby - have done a few days at Aldermaston - so could do with some company. I'm based in Woodcote.
Hi we are laning on friday (30th) in oxfordshire ,not sure where as i am not leading ,details will follow (hopefully ):)
im based in oxfordshire!! shame i cant come as im away the 3oth :( wan find sum decent lanes in oxford. south oxfordshire seams to be the best area as alot r open whether they are "decent" lanes is another story!

but any other day otehr than 29th030th i am very willing!
I'm also in South Oxford but not available overe the xmas period sorry.

There are quite a good few lanes near Lambourn (South West of Didcot)

Check out this interactive map. I emailed the council about 3 months ago and all byways are open unless sign posted otherwise

Make sure you click motorised vehicles down on the bottom left side

Oxfordshire Countryside Access Map

Frogsisland.....whichone from your place are you? I've only been to your place a couple time....recently (3 weeks ish) I have the Grey 110 with full length Hannibal rack. Needed a trim for my alpine window as a longleat safari park monkey stole it.

Further to my last post

one of the emaisl I received from the council folk

Dear Ryan

Just to let you know that all B.O.A.T's around the Didcot and Lambourn area are not subject to TRO's unless sign posted otherwise so you are free to use these at your leisure.

kind regards

email address to use is if you'dlike to check for your selves.
Hi we are laning on friday (30th) in oxfordshire ,not sure where as i am not leading ,details will follow (hopefully ):)

Please can you keep me posted, I am based in Cheltenham so south Oxfordshire is just about doable for some fun!! Thanks
I should be around for a spot of laning. There is a good selection of lanes heading south west out of didcot through west Isley down towards the lambourne gallops. All lanes that are unusable are clearly signposted. Keep me informed and unless the wife has me shopping in the sales I should be able to make it.
Details so far are start around harwel on A34 head down to chieveley accross to lambourn downs and back up to wantage
We are 2 white defenders ,times and meeting point to be decided after xmas .

Cheers Rob
Any time after the 27 th is good for me. We could meet at the McDonald's on the didcot junction of the a34. Should be accessable for all that may be interested. Looking forward to it.
The 29 th is the best day for me now due to visitors and the wife's shopping agenda. Is this ok with anyone else. Still meet at didcot McDonald's n head down to cheivley area then across towards lambourne. If people are up for this pm me n I will give you my contact details.
The 29 th is the best day for me now due to visitors and the wife's shopping agenda. Is this ok with anyone else. Still meet at didcot McDonald's n head down to cheivley area then across towards lambourne. If people are up for this pm me n I will give you my contact details.
We can only do fri 30th due to visitor and other comitments soz !
Guys, I am free any day this week between Xmas and new years. I need to get permission but should not be an issue. Let me know when you fix a date and time, McDonald's sounds like an easy place to meet. I have a blue 1980s short wheel base. Looking forward to meeting some peeps and having some fun. Take care, richard
Hi, if you could keep me posted as I'm in Cirencester and interested too. Depending on how the snorkel fitting goes on the 29th. Would be in a silver/gold 300tdi disco if available.
Hi all, new on here too and I could well be up for some laneing on 29th, esp as it's pretty local to me :D as I'm over in W Oxon.
I am still planning on the 29th at the mo. Meet around 0830 at didcot mcdonalds. Have a couple of maps marked up with the available lanes n we can make a plan from there. I should be available on the 30th as well if people are interested. Message me for my contact details. All the best looking forward to a day out.
That's a pain -I can't do either 29th or 30th due to Christmas visiting commitments. That's a pity as I'm keen to get out and do some local lanes. What about morning of 31st or 2nd Jan?

Maybe another time if we can't agree a date now.

Bobbyell -thanks for the PM -yes that is me. Blue v8 90.

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