Am i right in saying mc donalds carpark is at the junction with A34 and A4130 and called the milton high service station ?

Thats the one fella there is a travel lodge there as well. It is all fairly new. See you in the morning. You have my mobile number on your private messages.

Hi guys,

apologies that it's late but I see COA has had to pull out of the trip taking the numbers back down to four. I am now available so would like to tag along if that's ok as it's really local to me, I'm in Didcot?

I have done some of the Lambourn lanes and have the long haired sheriff up for coming to hold the map.

As it's late, if there is no reply by the last time I check tonight I'll turn up at 09:00 but feel free to turn me away if the group is full!!!!!

I'll be in a grey 110 with Hannibal roof rack
Hi guys,

apologies that it's late but I see COA has had to pull out of the trip taking the numbers back down to four. I am now available so would like to tag along if that's ok as it's really local to me, I'm in Didcot?

I have done some of the Lambourn lanes and have the long haired sheriff up for coming to hold the map.

As it's late, if there is no reply by the last time I check tonight I'll turn up at 09:00 but feel free to turn me away if the group is full!!!!!

I'll be in a grey 110 with Hannibal roof rack
thats fine come along see ya soon :)
Well, cheers for an awesome day guys. finally started to learn what my disco can do! looking forward to pics and vids soon!

Yup - it was a great day indeed, and good to meet some of the peeps from the forum, and and and the mighty 90 even made it everywhere on it's stock tyres :D even through the officially World's Largest and Muddiest Rut Ever in the history of green-lanes :p

As soon as I've read the sticky I'll get a couple of pics up.
Yup - it was a great day indeed, and good to meet some of the peeps from the forum, and and and the mighty 90 even made it everywhere on it's stock tyres :D even through the officially World's Largest and Muddiest Rut Ever in the history of green-lanes :p

As soon as I've read the sticky I'll get a couple of pics up.

well impressed with that 90! even though the electronics had a hissy fit after that 'puddle'
Cheers for today guys, thoroughly enjoyed it. Must say a public well done to Sam (Mrs Thor) for her driving, as only her second proper days laning and she went through the "pudle" first........If she had known how deep it was there is NO WAY she would have attempted it on her own!!

Have a couple pics etc on the phone and will post later on as shower and a couple pints are in order.

Deffo up for doing it again in the new year and don't mind leading again if Sam is up for being my driver!!!

Have a good New Years all!!!

Thor (Ryan)
Nice day out fellas and ladies. Hope no damage was done in the end Thor. Was a pleasure will have to do it again in the new year. Hopefully there will be some snow over the coming month.
If anyone would be interested in a off road navigation rally I am trying to organize one for a date in feb, would be run out of benson but will give further details when something more concrete is decided. Happy new year all n thanks for a cracking day
Hopefully mine will be MOTd next week and back on the road - if there's another trip out soon I'd love to tag along :)
Yep thanks for great day ,and thanks to all that led ,horrible drive home in the dark and rain mainly because i have half a candle watt of power as headlights :eek:tried to post some pics but wont have it for some reason ,if you pm me your email i will try that .

Cheers Rob .









As the starter of the thread, very disappointed not to have been able to join you. Where did you go?

Would be good to arrange another one in the New Year.
As the starter of the thread, very disappointed not to have been able to join you. Where did you go?

Would be good to arrange another one in the New Year.

Hey Steve.

Yeah you missed a good one. I am sure we will do another early in the new year. Went south out of east ilsey down to cheivley then across to lambourne. Found some interesting muddy rocky wet bits that took us by surprise but was a cracking day out.
Will keep in touch on here reference the next day out. Looking at organizing a road navigation rally for sometime in feb will keep you posted about that too. Have a good new year
Hi guys, pretty sure I passed you all on the A34 this morning (although was in a different vehicle). I live in Abingdon and have done quite a few of the lanes south of Didcot - I'm up for joining in next time if space allows.

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