New Member
I'm thinking of fitting one of these (preferably detachable) to my '03MY TD5 XS. Hopefully it will make manouvering my new van a bit easier in the storage yard. Anyone else fitted one, does it make manouvering any easier, are there any pitfalls, are they easy to fit or is there some cutting/drilling to do.
All (well most!) comments gratefully recieved.
Hi Roy

If you live anywhere near me i can save you a fortune by giving you some reversing lessons, i've had 15 years on artics so a caravan should be a piece of **** ;)

Sqwirral said:
Hi Roy

If you live anywhere near me i can save you a fortune by giving you some reversing lessons, i've had 15 years on artics so a caravan should be a piece of **** ;)


don't be so sure skwizza, ive been driving artics for over 20 years and i still struggle with a caravan or small trailer on the back of the car. its harder than you think, not like a 45 footer ;)
Alright yella hows things, not been on for a while just recoverin from going to the F1 last week :) ,done some wagon and drags an all and i recon they are somewhere near a disco and caravan, to be honest i'd plumb for having a mota-mover fitted instead rather than hackin away at me front end. but then again who the **** am I :D
In the military there is a standing order, that under no circumstances should a 110 reverse while towing one of the small 1/2 ton trailers.

This is because of the long wheelbase; front wheels nearly twice the distance from the back wheels to the trailer wheels, so I agree with Yella, a 45footer with the wheels way at the back like that is much easier... sounds stupid doesn't it.
Sqwirral said:
Hi Roy

If you live anywhere near me i can save you a fortune by giving you some reversing lessons, i've had 15 years on artics so a caravan should be a piece of **** ;)


Hi Sqwirral

If you live anywhere near me, come over and you can try reversing a caravan. I've had twenty-five years experience!
It's just if there's anything can make a job easier, I'm up for it, but do object to paying 1000nicker for a couple of electric motors.
Have Landy, will travel.
Hi Roy where do you live I'm well up for a challenge :D maybe yella could come along and we could make it a "reverse the caravan" fun day. Surely if it's that tight in the storage yard it should be down to the owners to park your caravan, another thing, what if you damaged my caravan getting yours into a tight space who would I claim off ? you or the storage yard owners, just a thought. Personally I'd spend the money and fit the motor-mover or move to a less crowded yard.
Park Street engineering made one they are near St Albans, they used to have some pictures and fitting instructions on

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