Just do as the French do. Ignore! The police have no powers to check your sat nav and, as mentioned above, dangerous zones flag up just in time for you to spot the camera anyway.
Breathalyser's, just another money making opportunity for the ferry companies. Not mentioned above though is the need to carry another pair of specs to compliment the ones you are wearing.
All in all, as the song says, don't worry be happy.
It's just about the best place in tbe world to do your driving.
I did mention the need for spare glasses:p

Alco test kits are €1.50 in any supermarket.:)
Most things do. That's why stupid rules are ignored by the French.
You obviously have not seen one of the Gendarmes purges, 50 cars impounded by the roadside for a variety of infringements and the occupants walking to work:rolleyes:
I would add, that if you are towing a caravan, be very careful not to exceed the plated maximum weight, they are stopping and weighing caravans, if it's over the limit you are in deep ****.
There is no requirement to carry a set of spare bulbs and you can't be penalised for not having them in the car, but it is advisable.
There is no requirement to carry a set of spare bulbs and you can't be penalised for not having them in the car, but it is advisable.
Where did you get that from? The code de la route requires that spare bulbs are carried for all bulbs that can be changed. You will never be asked to show that you have them, but woe betide you if you are stopped for having a defective rear bulb and you do not have a spare.
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Is this to try to recoup some of the brass the Frogs are allegedly spending at Calais "stopping" illegals coming over here? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Is this to try to recoup some of the brass the Frogs are allegedly spending at Calais "stopping" illegals coming over here? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think it's for the Gendarmes Christmas fund, they do like dishing out the €90 fines on foreigners. They are always surprised when I flash a French licence when stopped, works like magic when accompanied by replying in French:D:D
I think it's for the Gendarmes Christmas fund, they do like dishing out the €90 fines on foreigners. They are always surprised when I flash a French licence when stopped, works like magic when accompanied by replying in French:D:D

Sounds abart reyt!

Up the Unions! ...

... Bugger, forgot they're banned over here... :rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:
Where did you get that from? The code de la route requires that spare bulbs are carried for all bulbs that can be changed. You will never be asked to show that you have them, but woe betide you if you are stopped for having a defective rear bulb and you do not have a spare.

Autobulbs direct. If your bulbs never fail then is no penalty for not being able to produce spare bulbs. But it is obviously advisable because you can be fined for driving around with a defective light. We have had a set for years and all the other bits of kit.
It's not aimed at the French, it's aimed at collecting cash from foreigners, especially yanks:rolleyes:

It's worthwhile remembering, just as in Britain, under the guise of safety, speed cameras are becoming more plentiful. Add to that in France unmarked police camera cars are also there to trap the unwary.
The euro might not be working, but the police tax collectors certainly are!
Oh, and make sure you stop at stop signs, don't just trickle over. The buggers hide out at the most unlikely places!
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Where did you get that from? The code de la route requires that spare bulbs are carried for all bulbs that can be changed. You will never be asked to show that you have them, but woe betide you if you are stopped for having a defective rear bulb and you do not have a spare.

I think we should take the same approach to naming our rules in the UK.

"Code of the road" has a better ring to it than Road Traffic Act. :)
Are they doing anything about the nobs that drive up yer arse, overtake, and then turn off at the next junction ??

Le nobs !!
They are taught that way. The idea is when wanting to overtake, you stay on your own side of the road for as long as possible, getting as close as possible to the vehicle in front before moving out to pass. That way the time you spend on the wrong side of the road, where it is dangerous to be, is reduced to a minimum. As the French have an inbuilt and pressing need to pass who ever is in front as a matter of principle they spend all their time as close as possible to the vehicle in front waiting for the slightest chance to pass.
It's worthwhile remembering, just as in Britain, under the guise of safety, speed cameras are becoming more plentiful. Add to that in France unmarked police camera cars are also there to trap the unwary.
The euro might not be working, but the police tax collectors certainly are!
Oh, and make sure you stop at stop signs, don't just trickle over. The buggers hide out at the most unlikely places!
There are even cameras hidden in the armco on some auto routes with NO warnings:eek:
Autobulbs direct. If your bulbs never fail then is no penalty for not being able to produce spare bulbs. But it is obviously advisable because you can be fined for driving around with a defective light. We have had a set for years and all the other bits of kit.
The link does not work, but I've lived in France for 15 years, have a French driving licence and my wife is French, I can assure you that it is a requirement to carry spare bulbs, as I said, get stopped with a duff rear light and no spare and you will be in trouble.
If a Gendarme decides to get snotty with johnny foreigner, you may be surprised at the number of €90 a pop offences they can find to hit you with.
The link does not work, but I've lived in France for 15 years, have a French driving licence and my wife is French, I can assure you that it is a requirement to carry spare bulbs, as I said, get stopped with a duff rear light and no spare and you will be in trouble.
If a Gendarme decides to get snotty with johnny foreigner, you may be surprised at the number of €90 a pop offences they can find to hit you with.

The word 'if' was used loosely there I feel. The gendarmes always get snotty with Johnny 'English' foreigner.
The bulb thing is a little like the, 'you can drive ****ed in Majorca' just don't have a bump in that state!
Don't be put off from driving in France, it's a great experience if you haven't tried it. Quiet roads, unless you're in Paris, and even quieter roads off the motorways. For those old enough to remember, it's like driving in the UK 50 years ago, minus the breakdowns!
The word 'if' was used loosely there I feel. The gendarmes always get snotty with Johnny 'English' foreigner.
The bulb thing is a little like the, 'you can drive ****ed in Majorca' just don't have a bump in that state!
Don't be put off from driving in France, it's a great experience if you haven't tried it. Quiet roads, unless you're in Paris, and even quieter roads off the motorways. For those old enough to remember, it's like driving in the UK 50 years ago, minus the breakdowns!
Wonderful for motorbikes:D

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