the rest of my post isnt there??? man these forums are confusing..

To be ablr to post a for sale/swap item you need 50 constructive posts (as BB says) even if it is outside of the For Sale Forum....

I have to say I saw your original post before it was edited...and I am amazed you had the front to offer such a deal...:D:D:D:D:D
To be ablr to post a for sale/swap item you need 50 constructive posts (as BB says) even if it is outside of the For Sale Forum....

I have to say I saw your original post before it was edited...and I am amazed you had the front to offer such a deal...:D:D:D:D:D

come on Saint, 2 p38's for 1 L322....bargain:D:D:D:D:D
ok ok apologies no need to get nasty, was only an idea someone may have had a ropy one an as this is an owners forum i thought i might have found an enthusiast... never mind.. it seems theres to much snobbery on here..
Snobbery? That's a bit far from the truth ain't it? Just because we haven't agreed with what your saying! Enthusiast? Looking for a idiot more like:eek:
Nah, someone wanting to swap 2 P38's for an L322. Sounds like he was not getting the best part of the deal considering all the L322 posts lately:D:D

Which on the face of it could seem to be a good idea, but as we know, anything LR related you really need to do your homework first.;)

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