I wont ask what you were driving........but was it a mini.....???

I've had a few bumps......mainly in transit vans for some reason......i turn into.....'WHITE VAN MAN'......I wrote a mini off one day........didnt see her officer..honest.......!!!!.....no.......i aint had a drink.....!!!

Silly old moo..........decided to stop at a junction...!!

I ask you..............i mean .....c'mon...........show a bit of common sense....lol
no it were'nt a mini! it was a really old fiesta. nothing worked on it, the lights, speedo, wipers, brakes! it was 'freedom' tho and at 18, that was grrreat! Any how, its late again and i've gotta work tomorrow.. so nite nite, i'm sure i'll catch up with you the morrow at some point! Take it easy...
Last I heard it was open. I gave someone directions just two weeks ago but I dont know how they got on. Have seen photos on the web taken last week ( I think!)

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