
Active Member
Silverdale 4x4 any good? According to tinterweb it's 3rd Sunday of the month. Which I make the 17th but can't get an answer from them if it's on then?

Having to miss the mass outing to parkwood as that's my working weekend so trying to find something for weekend after.
I'd be interested in meeting other LZers, even if just for a friendly face when I get stuck.

I've done lots of off roading down south with friends but gave it up to move up north. As I've just bought mine it's not lifted yet and only on BFg at's. But hopefully technique should get me round most of it.
Do a search here there's loads of info on Silverdale and loads of threads.

You basically don't have much of a chance on ATs at Silverdale!

Makes for a challenging day though!
Anywhere more suited to at's locally? I might be able to put some MUDs on but wasted effort as putting the proper tyres on when I lift it in couple of weeks.
Theres caverswall quarry that is bout 15 mins furthet away from silverdale. Or there hill n ditch at moldsworth mate.
Been advised to avoid Hill n Ditch but will check out quarry . Next weekend is my first time of since picking up my Landy so I've not had time yet for lift or muds but still wanna get out and play.
caverswall quarry, more often called weston coyney or tick hill is fine with AT's. Its a sand quarry so not much mud and good drainage. some nice rocky sections and a lake in the middle (2-4 feet)
Trying to sort a cheap set of MUDs this week otherwise probably just going to go Silverdale and get stuck...
Standard disco was out with us on weekend and its quite amazing what a standard one can do even had road tyres and was doing just as good as us
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There's about 4 or 5 of us going this weekend in a variety of different cars! So should be interesting! Let me know if your still going mate. We can always pull you out ;)
The main problem with Silverdale is that no one maintains it between play days.
So people with mad mud tyres churn it up and cut DEEP ruts but because its just left it gets worse and worse.
I made it round on at's just about. The other problem is its quite narrow and people stop on the trail to have a chat or drink tea rather than going to the centre where there is a large clearing.
There isn't really enough room to get past so there ends up a bit of a jam.

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