
New Member
That's it.... my Freelander has broken down once too often and my partner just won't trust it anymore. This time was the fuel pump solenoid, on the way back from holiday at the start of August... in France, on the autoroute, on the hottest day I can remember - it was an absolute nightmare and it's got to go.

It's a 2004 TD4 with loads of extras and it's done 108k. I know that I'll get nothing better for the money, but what do I replace it with?

The criteria are good for the motorway, fuel consumption no worse than the Freelander, good enough off road to drive around a muddy field, suitable for taking the kids on holiday and also for carrying around bales of hay.

Any ideas anyone?
I would say a TD4 FL1.
Easy to work on.
Whilst there are widely documented faults they can generally be easily(ish) sorted with the help of a good forum.
It's got character and performs better off road than people might give it credit for.
Faults are not as complex as on more modern cars.
Prices for most examples are pretty attractive now given the general age of the cars.
The one that doesn't fit with your requirements is that the fuel economy won't be close to more modern alternatives.
You probably know all that though ;)
There only one vehicle betterer than a Freelander 1...

a Freelander 2.

Give yer FL1 a big service and have a look at the common faults and start working through them with some preventative maintenance. Think about the cost and factor it in.

If yer get problems with the other half wanting rid of yer Freelander... remind her she comes second to the Freelander. Should stop the complaining. ;)
That's it.... my Freelander has broken down once too often and my partner just won't trust it anymore. This time was the fuel pump solenoid, on the way back from holiday at the start of August... in France, on the autoroute, on the hottest day I can remember - it was an absolute nightmare and it's got to go.

It's a 2004 TD4 with loads of extras and it's done 108k. I know that I'll get nothing better for the money, but what do I replace it with?

The criteria are good for the motorway, fuel consumption no worse than the Freelander, good enough off road to drive around a muddy field, suitable for taking the kids on holiday and also for carrying around bales of hay.

Any ideas anyone?
Remember all cars can have problems. Simply buying another used car of similar age and complexity is unlikely to resolve this.

Maybe look into Jeeps or something like a Shogun. The Freelander is quite light however for its capability and probably has better mpg than most equivalent alternatives.
I had a 2004 Kia Sorento v6 petrol before my freelander. It was a brilliant car apart from the fuel consumption. My sister has the 2.5 diesel version, much better on fuel. The trouble was, at 120,000 miles it started developing faults as all cars do but the cost of parts was horrendous. Eventually corrosion in the floor and inner wheel arches forced me to get rid but if I could find another in good nick for the right money, I'd buy it straight away.

Thank you everyone - that's more or less confirms what I thought.... Difficult to get anything better for twice the money. Better start working on keeping it!
Difficult to get anything better for twice the money. Better start working on keeping it!

That's about the size of it. There's no guarantee that spending twice what the Freelander is worth, is going to get you something more reliable.
I always say, better the devil you know. ;)
How come nobody has suggested a Deafener? Might be a step down to some (I disagree) but the irritating buzzing sound in your left ear will be less noticable ;)
I just replaced my one two weeks ago. I was clocking up serious miles and although the FL1 wasn't costing a fortune to keep, the thought of it letting go at 199.5k, 150 miles away from home, wasn't filling me with confidence. Someone else can have a cheap winter runabout with all terrain tyres and a good few new parts.
I changed it for an FL2 HSE, which I find just as good on fuel, a lot more comfy and I love it more every day.
I'll see how it performs compared to the old hippo, but so far, so good.
Depending on what trim and comfort level you want, there are good deals to be had out there.
The trouble was, at 120,000 miles it started developing faults as all cars do but the cost of parts was horrendous

This is the trouble with anything non-Land Rover. I fix my mates’ cars for them - Hondas, Toyotas, VWs... It doesn’t matter. I’m very glad that they have to pay for the bits. And you generally can’t find the individual parts you need, but whole units.
If yer need to suddenly do a lot of miles and yer worried about reliability... make sure yer got breakdown cover. The propper one where they carry you and yer vehicle all the way home. Failing that hire a car for the short time yer do a lot of miles. They're cheap and can be used for unlimited miles.
How come nobody has suggested a Deafener? Might be a step down to some (I disagree) but the irritating buzzing sound in your left ear will be less noticable ;)
Cancelling out the rattling in yer left ear with rattling from a tin of marbles yer call an engine int the way to go. Especially if yer like sitting on comfy seats rather than wooden ones, yer want to be able to hear the radio, yer need a heater and suspension/shock absorbers to make the ride comfy.

With all the Freelander has to offer as a modern day go anywhere well ard 4x4, yer be struggling to convince someone to go back to 1920's horse and cart technology for their daily ride. ;)
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Suzuki Grand Vitari.

Look towards the 08 or 09 1.9 diesels, renulat engine but bar an egr disaster they go forever.

Basically a half way house between a disco as it has selectable gear boxes and a free lander for driving style but with range rover space.

Father had one with at tyres and it went everywhere, and I mean fields, snow 3 foot deep, mountains etc.

If my commercial let's go I will 100% replace it with one. Towing weight was decent also at 2000kg tow weight for diesel.

Dad managed over 40mpg with it all day long but he's a sensible driver and sits at 65 on motorway and usually drove in off peak times also leaving early etc.

Was real comfortable. Tbh egr gave him issues and at time no one knew what egr issues really where his was an 06 and sadly went up road after a few years but now it's a simple bolt on kit and ecu adjustment to solve it.

Loads of mods for them also super popular in japan Asia and Australia.


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