weeee man

New Member
after work today i got in the landy and when i turned the ignition on the temp gauge shot up passed the red and i aint even started the engine all day!! what that about?? :confused:
after work today i got in the landy and when i turned the ignition on the temp gauge shot up passed the red and i aint even started the engine all day!! what that about?? :confused:

got a td5 happened to me recently thought it might have something to do with me wiring up some spots a few days earlier. turned engine off restarted and has not happened since. weird!!
My bosses td5 used to do this quite a bit and would never start if it went into the red.

Normally turning the ignition on/off a few times cleared it.

Eventually found it was related to one of the yellow relays under the drivers seat. Boss never got it sorted properly but whenever it happended we just wiggled the yellow relay and it came back to life.

Sometimes just slamming the drivers door quite hard used to solve it as well!!!!
My bosses td5 used to do this quite a bit and would never start if it went into the red.

Normally turning the ignition on/off a few times cleared it.

Eventually found it was related to one of the yellow relays under the drivers seat. Boss never got it sorted properly but whenever it happended we just wiggled the yellow relay and it came back to life.

Sometimes just slamming the drivers door quite hard used to solve it as well!!!!

Sounds like a typical LR fix to me :D
just had our 300tdi back from a blown head gasket repair. the temp gauge worked ok before but now it goes into the red after ten minutes driving, UNTIL we turn off some electrics ( wipers / lights / de mister ) and then needle comes back into middle of the scale. coolent in the header tank was cold when i dipped my pinky into it. the wonders of LR.
Yup ive had this happen quite a few times :S does worry me a bit as i didnt know the cause. It happens now and again but it sorts itself out in the end :) and i also think ive got a shagged front prop shaft to top things off!!

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