Hmm, very intrestin Hughesy, i woulda expected a reduction in power coz it has 10% lower calorific value than the straight stuff, but i guess not! It must just be particle-ised and all emitted with the exhaust. I noticed the stuff with the anti foaming agent is a bit cheaper (1.09 a litre) in Morrisons, i assumed it were coz it's less desirable to put in yer motor but i guess not!
Can't say I could tell any difference in power between that stuff, pure repeseed oil or 100% derv to be honest. And I've done a bit of hefty towing this week so would have thought I'd have felt it if there was any change.

So what has the out come after 3 years? Ive ran 2 tanks of 25% DERV with 75% oil with anti foaming agent in it this month (200tdi) and had no problems as yet. Works out at 1.05 per ltr
i saw on here sumwhere to steer clear of veg oil with anti foaming agents, sure it said can perish seals somwhere lol(not being much use am i) ill try and find where i saw it
found this,dont no if its true Re: Land Rover 300Tdi to run on veg oil.


Not sure what the E900 (anti foaming agent) would do, but it's silicon based, I suspect that once the carbon atoms are burned off then SiO2 (sand) would be left behind in the engine
found this,dont no if its true Re: Land Rover 300Tdi to run on veg oil.


Not sure what the E900 (anti foaming agent) would do, but it's silicon based, I suspect that once the carbon atoms are burned off then SiO2 (sand) would be left behind in the engine

Mate, This discussion has been done to death and noone has any definitive answer on the subject, it all boils down to whether or not you want to put it in your tank.

I've been burning wvo for a couple of years with no detrimental effects so far and as I get my wvo from hotels / restaurants it all contains e900.

make your own mind up and have fun.;)
The crudd was like yellow jelly,the honeycomb in the filter looked like a crunchy bar full of ****ty yellow gungy jelly.

Fukin ****e from bookers KTC anti fkin runnin agent:mad: :mad: :mad:

Recently when I was in Europe I came accross pumps with 2 choices of was yellow one was Im assuming the yellow is bio diesel or a mix as the pump looked like the outside of a ten year old deep fat fryer. I bought the "yellow" it was cheaper!!!

Nothing to do with veg oil but anyway... out of the ten or so tanks of various price/brands of diesel/bio/whatever I bought between here/Switzerland/here, the winner by a huge margin was ELF bought from a supermarket in France. My300tdi had much more power and was much quieter. Some of the "yellow" **** was probably a waste of ££ it was so gutless we must have used twice as much to get anywhere.

Back here in rip off Britian I use KTC oil from Bookers with antifoam fine in my 300tdi. £21 for 20litres.

As far as I found out the antifoam is added to the oil so the manufacturer can fill the containers at a much faster speed. Also read it turns to a very fine sand when burned!! so we'll see :eek: probably used 200 litres and so far so good. I run about a 50/50 mix. last time was 20 oil/20 diesel/5 petrol diesel mix.
I've just done a trial run on a 50/50 mix of that KTC stuff. Everything seemed fine to me. You just smell of chips where ever you go :D
May aswell as give a wee imput into the veg/biodoesel topic-i've now been running my my defender td5 on 75% bio/25%derv now for almost 2500 miles with zero problems, fuel filter got changed at 1000 miles and i'll be changing the next in another 500(i bought a job lot of them for cheap money), mot time emissions were lowest that tester had seen for a landy in ages so i'll put that down to the bio.I'm making my own biodiesel for between 40p-75p a litre so at the moment i'm saving plenty on every tankfull.No difference in power,smells different and returning the same if not more miles to the gallon.I gradually introduced the biodiesel into the tank ,started off with only 10 litres into a full tank then increased it over time-end result is positive so far.
The anti foaming agent is silicone. It reduces the calorific count of the veg oil by 10%, doesn't burn and clogs up the engine over time.

If you can get the stuff without it, do. I ran on 900 cal/100ml (without anti-foaming agent) for ages, then switched to the 810 cal/100ml stuff (the stuff with the anti foaming agent) and suddenly had a real problem starting up. Went back to the old stuff, no prob. Beware!
Blimey...just read through the fred...brings back some memories!

And whatever happened to slob

Ackshirley who gives a fook - he were a right cunt!
Sorry to resurrect old thread but Im using a 60/40 mix of the Makro stuff at the minute thats got anti foaming agent in it, after lots of net searching found people using it and people not using it, nothing concrete.
For us its just whilst hubby is building a filter wotisit for the used stuff.

I can report though in my 300tdi N reg I am getting a noticeable amount of extra power, was quite amazed.

So far nothing broken, touch wood but only a month into the trial and been quite careful with the amounts, and at the ready to change the filters reading the older threads.

Did notice when temp dropped to below 0 other week it was harder to start.

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