don't really care what it does in culinary terms...

although when you foam up oil, isn't that basically mayonnaise?
ah think they mean when yer chuck yer chips in it gets all aireated and starts trying to escape from the chipper. so yer anti foaming stuff will prevent it from spilling over and running down the back of the worktop
Aye but will it be OK to run me landy on oil with it in - just saw your post on tother fred Slob about additives, do you reckon they stick enough of this in to make a difference??
ah think they mean when yer chuck yer chips in it gets all aireated and starts trying to escape from the chipper. so yer anti foaming stuff will prevent it from spilling over and running down the back of the worktop
aye but only if yer chips are wet..
when i started using veg oil, everything i read said 'DON'T USE ANY VEG OIL WITH ADDITIVES IN IT!'
so since then i have avioded it,
i'm sure it's coz it waxes your injun up or summat like that?

but run it for a few thousand miles, an let us know if it's any gud:rolleyes:

Here you go:

Silicone oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quote "They are sometimes added to cooking oils to prevent excessive frothing during deep frying. Consumer products to control flatus (antiflatulents) often contain silicone oil.......................
...... They are excellent electrical insulators and, unlike their carbon analogues, are non flammable.....................................
........Silicone oil plays a useful role in gas powered airsoft guns where it is used to lubricate the rubber gas seals in gas blowback guns without degrading them as carbon-based oils would, as well as lubricating the moving parts of the guns".
Aye but will it be OK to run me landy on oil with it in - just saw your post on tother fred Slob about additives, do you reckon they stick enough of this in to make a difference??
well according to professor scrotgropper some have some havn't, unless one of teh bio fuel boffins comes along with mor einfo ad stay clear of anything that has additives in it..

give ming a shout he gort a degree in chip fat fuel
Got some muck from the coop instead at one oh fookin nine a litre ffs but tis pure veg oil and at last in 3 litre bottles! Best stock up eh?? :D
Question. If you were given some used oil by yer local kebab shop would you use it?
Answer. Course yer would.
Next question. Would yer know what exactly was in it?
Answer. No, course ya wouldn't.
It was very cheap or even free so in it goes? Can't see how a tiny amount of silicone or whatever is going to cause any bother. Landies are designed to run on ****e quality fuel. Even if you bought some "pump" biodiesel would you know exactly what was in it? No.
of silicone or whatever is going to cause any bother. Landies are designed to run on ****e quality fuel. .

that might have bin true a few years back but now with all this new fangled tdi's , single rail doo-dah injection and HP pumps and what not yer can't just stick any old stuff in em as has bin pointed out many times before. its too thick to lub yer pump internals and stuff
Mine's 18 years old does that count as new fangled? It ain't got any fancy electrical bits in it, just pieces of metal that go round and round:D
Noticed the "calorific value" of normal stuff is 900 whereas the value of the stuff with the muck in it is only 816 - so that means it is nearly 10% the other muck (anti foaming agent) - think i'll steer clear till someone else has had a go!
In Engine Motor Oil
When used as an oil additive to the base stock of oil, antifoam agents prevent the oil from foaming and frothing during high speed mechanical agitation.It is also used in mining, drilling operations and also in sugar manufacturing to reduce the amount of foam produced.

Commonly found in Crisp N Dry.
BP Ultimate Diesel has an anti foaming agent, it's silicon based. The stuff in vegoil is E900 (a food e-number) Dimethyl-polysiloxane. The question the stuff that BP use the same stuff that's in the (cheap) vegoil?
The veg oil stuff is silicone based, and silicone doesn't burn, so i think the stuff used in diesel is porbabl more combstible! Also note significant reduction in energy available from the stuff with anti foaming agnt in it!
yeah, i think so, it dint burn and it just got all clogged round the lambda sensors and stuff so they dint work properly.

I am of course extremely worried about the lambda sensors and all the engine management systems which make my 200 run like a well oiled machine!!!...

However, the unburnt stuff has to go somewhere and i think i'd be worried about it clogging stuff up.
yeah, i think so, it dint burn and it just got all clogged round the lambda sensors and stuff so they dint work properly.

I am of course extremely worried about the lambda sensors and all the engine management systems which make my 200 run like a well oiled machine!!!...

However, the unburnt stuff has to go somewhere and i think i'd be worried about it clogging stuff up.

Talking of which,my landee i thought was ok.
Fewkinn misfire was back today with a vengence,would,nt rev over 2 n arf thou could,nt get any turn of speed funny row,funny smell.
I upped the bonnet and noticed loads of air coming from the Deisel Filter.
So change the deisel filter.

The crudd was like yellow jelly,the honeycomb in the filter looked like a crunchy bar full of ****ty yellow gungy jelly.

Fukin ****e from bookers KTC anti fkin runnin agent:mad: :mad: :mad:

For a month or 2 i have been using bio and i have been told that it will clean all the crap through.
But it,s gotta go somewhere like yer said,THE FILTER AND IT CLOGGED BIGTIME.
Just imagine that gettin to yer pumps an all.

So a warnin to all using vege,clean out/change filters regularily
The stuff from tesco in 15l cans that says pure vegetable oil on the front but in the ingredients panel says "genetically modified soya oil with anti-foaming agent. Right, I ran my 19J on this stuff for a good few thousand miles without any trouble. Whenever I changed the fuel filter there was never anything in there. I've just put 60 litres of the stuff through my 200tdi mixed with about 15% derv and there's nothing to report. Performance and economy wise there's no difference.

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