anyone watch that program on the telly the other night "the great global warming swindle" think it was called. basically they proved that co2 is not the cause of global warming, it's solar activity!
apparantly this co2 causeing gobal warming ****e has no scientific evidence to back it up and it was made up by a group of scientist being paid huge sums of cash by the thatcher government(something to do with her trying to get rid of the coal industry).
now it has snowballed into such a huge industry that its used by governments to tax the arse off us / pay the 6000 or so employees who work for the un global warming brigade/ it gives the tree huggers plenty of ammo and the west is using global warming as an excuse to prevent development in third world countrys/ and the media love it cos it makes a good story
there was even one of the founding members of greenpeace on the program who agreed that co2 is not to blame.
as for the ice caps melting,they have been growing and shrinking like that for thousands of years,and these news reports you see of polar bears falling off the edge of the ice cos we are melting it,what a load of bollocks!. in the 1970's there were around 5000 polar bears in the arctic, now there are around 22000, MMMMMMMMMM! think that might have something to do with it?
anyway i've had my bitch and moan,probably not explaned it very well but if you saw the show you will no what i'm on about,
and as for the green brigade and all these anti 4x4 ****s, two words-
F##K off.:mad:
Yap saw the same thing myself. Its what I've been saying for years.
Problem is only we would tie 2+2 and get 4. well 4x4. hahah. and come to the conclusion that the earth has a cycle of hot and cold. hot makes cold due to the north atlantic drift stopping, then re-starting 1000 years later. mmm might be dead by then.
Well atleast we will be able to drive around for a while, well until our fuel freezes. lol.
Seriously it is all propaganda. I shouldnt say this but was called to a marketing thingy for Landrover the other night, and it was all about how to bash the golbal waming bit. Even though Landrover are rolling over and useing wind power in it factories. Must have taken on some of the greens and using their hot air.

Funny thing is its us thats getting all the sh*t thrown at us thats still laughing. Must be cos we drive Landys.:D
Corr, I think there's a good case for a Dyslexics 4x4 Club.. Don't suppose anyone would be able to follow the directions to their meetings, though... What ticks me off about that anti 4x4 lot is that they are going to affect everyone who owns a 4x4, including small farmers who depend on 4x4's for their livelihood. Why don't they also target the rich who drive through cities in their petrol engined 'executive saloons' and sports cars doing 8mpg? I'll tell you why, because they want the ear of MP's who also use them.. 'Two Jags' comes to mind.. I think the best plan is that we all send for their window stickers for the back windows of our motors..
Just looked them up on the domain name register:
If you need somewhere to park when in west london... try outside number ?? Wymering Road. W9
And make sure you park up the curb to show 'em you like it off road!

Domain name:


Registrant type:
UK Entity

Registrant's address:
?? Wymering Rd
Maida Vale
W9 2NB
United Kingdom
ive just sent em the following email:
is it just 4x4's you are against or cars with large engines. for example, is it ok to have a jaguarwith a 4.6 litre engine but not a 4x4 with a 1.3 litre engine, or is it just large 4x4's. if its the latter why is it you are not anti large engined 2wd cars. i await your answer in anticipation

i cant wait for the reply ;)

Did they ever get back to you?

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