how'd you come up wiff that statement??
or how big does a place have to be to be called urban?

where's the sense in using a huge arsed mr. bissy omm foo foo mobile to nip down to the shops fer a paper and a copy of razzle?
or do you think it a good thing to have things the size of trucks being driven by short wumun around schools at knockin orf time??

what i ment was that most of us live in towns, even if we do use our 4x4's as intended, so we are all targets of the tree huggers.
anyway just cos they get used to pick the kids up from school and do the weekly shop does not mean the person driving it just has it as a fashion statement. our freelander gets used for these thing but also gets used off road. the way thing are going in this country soon this bloody government will try slapping a tax on taking a dump or maybe even breathing!!!
oh bo###x i've probably given them the idea now.ARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
reet i got a answer back from them today and it seems they consider us as kids cos we like to play in mud.
.... i asked what their views on work related 4x4's and also recreational 4x4's was
so here it is that reply in full

We have always maintained that some people have a legitimate work requirement for a 4 x 4, and we are also against urban 4x4s specifically.
In terms of just driving in the mud for recreation, I'd tell them to grow up. The urgency of the environmental crisis should tell you the answer.
What they don't appreciate it's not how much energy your car uses running around its how much was used to make it and how long it will last.

Our motto should be
"Go green get a old Landy"
Hmm me thinks a idea for a new fred.
Have these loosers got nothing better to do than spoil everyone elses fun.

What they gona spoil next?

microwave dinners and kiddies toys cos they cost a fortune and dunt last fer long so they can't be any good fer the in viral ment
i read somewhere(think it was in one of the lr mags) that a un reports says that cows produce more co2 than all forms of transport put together, so it's our massive appetite for burgers thats melting the ice caps not 4x4's.
so i might start up an action group- 4x4 owners against urban bovines!!:D
aye coos and sheep produce more co² than everything else on the planet and methane
Whell dont tell them that or well be eateing rabit food, while sitting in our eco frindley car, which will probabley be manufacutred in korea and will probably be in the scrappy before 100k miles.
i read somewhere(think it was in one of the lr mags) that a un reports says that cows produce more co2 than all forms of transport put together, so it's our massive appetite for burgers thats melting the ice caps not 4x4's.
so i might start up an action group- 4x4 owners against urban bovines!!:D

Oooo bugger! Changing my avatar then, I'll get the blame fer everything as usual.

So those on here that use farmyard animals recreationally should take note & grow up too then?
Don't worry Marcus... cows are part of the carbon cycle already, it's like using bio-diesel, carbon neutral yer see, unless you feed 'em on fossil-silage or summat like that.
Trouble is it's also bollox! The problem of accelerated global warming is caused by us lot releasing carbon from fossil fuels where it's been locked away since the end of the cretaceous. A cow eating some grass that grew last week ( the grass absorbed the carbon it needed from the atmosphere and the cow absorbs it from the grass) then the cow having a fart and a dump and then being eaten as steak unlocks a tiny amount of fossil fuel and almost all of that is the articulated lorries that cart the carcasses from the abatoir and the steaks to the supermarket. The rest of their 'emissions' are part of a 'closed loop' carbon cycle - as one of the respondants to the blog you posted writes:

"It's ok blaming the modern cow and meat eaters for 18% of global warming but does anybody remember the American bison?
Millions of them roamed the plains for centuries and being bovine , surely they passed the same gases as cows.
How come they didn't cause global warming when Custer & Sitting Bull were around?"

The answer to that is simple - it's because Custer, Sitting Bull and the rest of 'em weren't dumping 17.4 billion tonnes of jet fossil fuel derived CO2 into the atmosphere every 25 years just so they can 'get about the place a bit quicker' (source: )

As a piece of misdirection, it's a master stroke!

Just a thought.
Does this make "Road Kill" a green thing to do?
And isn’t the land rover the perfect vehicle to chase them sheep with?
"Go green buy a old landy"
even those of us that live in semi urban areas have the need of a 4x4, especially to drag the bloody horses about the dam country.
Note they even got a miss quote from clarckson, he uses a 4x4 to take his kiddies to school. wants to keep em safe.
Great post Adz.. Although I would love to know how much more domesticated cattle there is in the world now than back in Custers time.

I wish that bio-diesel was the answer.. I did a podcast on it ages ago ( but it turns out supplying the worlds vehicles would mean massive deforestation... :(
Great post Adz.. Although I would love to know how much more domesticated cattle there is in the world now than back in Custers time.

I wish that bio-diesel was the answer.. I did a podcast on it ages ago (Welcome to Mentally documenting the mind) but it turns out supplying the worlds vehicles would mean massive deforestation... :(

Bio Diesel isn't the only bio fuel - can't remember which South American country it was now, but they put an extra process into their paper making industry to ferment the woodpulp before making paper with it and using the methanol from that as a bio fuel. It doesn't affect the paper end product at all and is a great way of using one 'crop' twice. I refuse to believe there are no other industrial proceses that would benefit in a similar way to that above.

Likewise, oilseed rape (the oil crop we seem to grow most of in the UK) isn't the highest yeilding crop we could plant, nor the most versatile. Hemp out performs it in, more or less, every department, but because some people like to smoke it (and that's very hard to tax) the government in their crude oil soaked perenial wisdom have banned it's growth in the UK. Even fast growing pine trees would be a better idea as a fuel crop.

There is a long standing rumour that oil companies have been buying the patents for non-oil using engines and power generation devices for decades and sitting on them to encourage a greater dependence on their services. If this is true, how long can that be allowed to continue solely for the oil companies to continue to make huge financial profits at the cost of far greater environmental deficits?

In answer to the bison vs domestic cattle question - it used to be said that a man on a fast horse could ride all day starting at the back of a bison herd and never even see the front of it... now that's a lot of bison eh?


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