
New Member
I have a set of alloys (16") with good tyres on them. Given existing ones need replaced I was thinking of swapping these on.

Issue is that alloys only have a LR part number of ANR4663 on them. Local dealer can't seem to find them on his system.

I suspect they are Disco 2's. Any advice on whether they are a straight fit or do I need spacers etc ?
I imagine pictures of the wheels and details of what car/model you want to fit them too would be helpful...!
So is the ANR4663 wheel the standard one for the p38 ?

Could also have be an option on versions of the P38 that were not fitted with them, up to VIN WA376580. they were called Meteor, according to my sales catalogue, as I nearly bought a P38 once, so glad I didn't :D
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Could also have be an option on versions of the P38 that were not fitted with them, up to VIN WA376580. they were called Meteor, according to my sales catalogue, as I nearly bought a P38 once, so clad I didn't :D
Why are you "clad" you didn't? Much better car than the Disco IMHO.;):)
Typo there should have said Glad..
Yes it was year on year but the RR did cost a bit more, but the issues they have now, that's not for me.

Other than a few service items the only replacement part my disco has had is a water pump when the bearing failed, not bad and what Id expect. but then I only bought the disco for weekend use and then only some times.
Typo there should have said Glad..
Yes it was year on year but the RR did cost a bit more, but the issues they have now, that's not for me.

Other than a few service items the only replacement part my disco has had is a water pump when the bearing failed, not bad and what Id expect. but then I only bought the disco for weekend use and then only some times.

Have had a couple of Discos both were ok motors apart from their preoccupation with trying to rust out from under you. A good Disco is an ok motor but a good, specially the far more reliable diesel P38, is in a totally different class.
Have had a couple of Discos both were ok motors apart from their preoccupation with trying to rust out from under you. A good Disco is an ok motor but a good, specially the far more reliable diesel P38, is in a totally different class.
+1,I rest my case.;)

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