slob said:
nah laddo if the fooking things was any good in the first place the miners would hav ebought them, but they was crap and the miners needed more money to pay fer their jap stuff so they put thur prices up.

enter the frogs who buy french and can therefore sell there coal cheap. now if bl had made a good car they might still be on the block. but they didn't so they ain't
Sort of contradicts your views about british products,does it not.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The Mad Hat Man said:
it did me proud for 2 years when munny was very tight

yeh but how many time did yer av to put yer front wheels back on?
bloody top balljoint used to unwind itsell:p
nope - no probs at all - sold it for more than i paid for it - looked like a hearse tho (it woz the estate). Same as my Montego - had a crap name in the trade, but i had it for 10 years.
ere listen to this one.. mr. spock doing shakespear............................................TO BE OR NOT TO BE...................that is illogical captain
slob said:
nah laddo if the fooking things was any good in the first place the miners would hav ebought them, but they was crap and the miners needed more money to pay fer their jap stuff so they put thur prices up.

enter the frogs who buy french and can therefore sell there coal cheap. now if bl had made a good car they might still be on the block. but they didn't so they ain't
These views
ffs you telling that ..nah laddo if the fooking things was any good in the first place the miners would hav ebought them, but they was crap and the miners needed more money to pay fer their jap stuff so they put thur prices up.

enter the frogs who buy french and can therefore sell there coal cheap. now if bl had made a good car they might still be on the block. but they didn't so they ain't


nah laddo if the fooking things was any good in the first place the miners would hav ebought them, but they was crap and the miners needed more money to pay fer their jap stuff so they put thur prices up.

enter the frogs who buy french and can therefore sell there coal cheap. now if bl had made a good car they might still be on the block. but they didn't so they ain't
cool - i got it - its cos yu got a flurescant coat ;););) - they got sum good rivers where yu are - nearly did the "descent of the Sarthe", when I woz there, but i forgot my kayak.
The Mad Hat Man said:
cool - i got it - its cos yu got a flurescant coat ;););) - they got sum good rivers where yu are - nearly did the "descent of the Sarthe", when I woz there, but i forgot my kayak.

There no hope is there !!!:rolleyes: :p :D
the rivers are a bit empty at the moment you can see the bottom of them ,right in the middle as well

and they ar eusually navicca ..navvite... they usually are deep enought fer motor cruisers.

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