mondo said:
If mine carries on like it has done for the last two months ill be over the moon. Its only chucked a hose??:rolleyes: £20 sqid Sorted!!!:D

As for his whining on about all things British been crap :rolleyes: Yeh ! ASK yerself WHY???
Because of the manufacturing workforce in this country.."Aww! I dont get paid enough"... "Aww! i dont ger enough time off"...."Aww! this in fair"
Lets face it you meet these plebs every day ... "the world owes me ".."Im better than everyone else"
Anyhow rant over.:D me knuckles are fine Ta! but now im gerrin man flu:eek:
Aww! " just wot i need with a broken nose"
Sniff! Ouch!!:D ;)
As it happens Mindy there ain't a lot made by the british to be called crap as they don't make anything anymore.I suppose you were at the front of the queue supporting Thatcher and co when they were wrecking British industry and getting rid of the UK motor manufacturers and anything else they could flog for a quick buck (whoops,I should say pound).
ffs you remember them coal miners strikes.?...... the car park at tit pit near wur i lived was full of jap cars.. and the miners was wineging cos brit steel was buying coal from the frogs
mondo said:
Mrs mondo is at this moment cookin ME a lovely dinner , Pork fillet with a creamy mushroom sauce, potatoes and veg..

Cos i told her to :p

well mabe that bit a bit over the top ;) Its cos she luvs me:D

I had to wash up first thou:rolleyes:

Ptomain looks very much like mushroom sauce!
Not Pork fillet - poor old Porky - bet he misses it.
slob said:
ffs you remember them coal miners strikes.?...... the car park at tit pit near wur i lived was full of jap cars.. and the miners was wineging cos brit steel was buying coal from the frogs
Precisely what I said about thatcher and co flogging everything,the miners had no choice,as even Rover and Leyland were fitting foreign engines in their cars.
flyboy2 said:
Precisely what I said about thatcher and co flogging everything,the miners had no choice,as even Rover and Leyland were fitting foreign engines in their cars.
nah laddo if the fooking things was any good in the first place the miners would hav ebought them, but they was crap and the miners needed more money to pay fer their jap stuff so they put thur prices up.

enter the frogs who buy french and can therefore sell there coal cheap. now if bl had made a good car they might still be on the block. but they didn't so they ain't
did you know the frogs pronouce Arthur as Artur??
me son went to school with a frog boy called Arthur and he couldn't understand why i called him sneeze
ho ho

Bl sorta did make a good car - I liked the Allegro and the 220 is a good buggy -mine still can do 130 and its done 170K miles!
ah had a 2200 princess; it wur like a fooking ballroom in the front of it.; went like stink

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