
New Member
....for anyone who's keeping count. just got V6 (2001 - 40k) back from garage and after extensive tests searching for the coolant "leak"...there isnt one. No clear evidence of a HGF either, but with some steam still coming from exhaust after half hour of running and consulting LR, it looks like cracked block...or perhaps HGF after all. They also say LR are asking customers to sign a disclaimer for HG repairs as 50% apparently come back after 6 months. Sick, ****ed off...REALLY ****ed off and considering how to get rid of this sack of ****....All this in a week when the tailgate window started to misbehave and the sunroof mechanism jammed. My days on this forum are therefore numbered. Thanks to all who have helped with glitches along the way.
oh dear. Rover just couldn't do anything right :(
Sorry to hear that. I got shot of mine before it blew another gasket.
Marwood said:
....for anyone who's keeping count. just got V6 (2001 - 40k) back from garage and after extensive tests searching for the coolant "leak"...there isnt one. No clear evidence of a HGF either, but with some steam still coming from exhaust after half hour of running and consulting LR, it looks like cracked block...or perhaps HGF after all. They also say LR are asking customers to sign a disclaimer for HG repairs as 50% apparently come back after 6 months. Sick, ****ed off...REALLY ****ed off and considering how to get rid of this sack of ****....All this in a week when the tailgate window started to misbehave and the sunroof mechanism jammed. My days on this forum are therefore numbered. Thanks to all who have helped with glitches along the way.
If it wasn't a V6 I would have sworn you were talking about my old sack of ****.
now now FB - no need to be vindictive - one has to move on.....

Just I cant see us buyin another LR - thats 3 customers the've lost forever.

Vote with ya feet!
The Mad Hat Man said:
now now FB - no need to be vindictive - one has to move on.....

Just I cant see us buyin another LR - thats 3 customers the've lost forever.

Vote with ya feet!

Im sure flygurl will be a sad loss to the garage:rolleyes:

they must be missin his happy cheery smile and general all round patriotism all ready :rolleyes:
bet they miss his munney tho.

Yu cant knock his patriotism, Mondeo - he bought British - didnt he - yu cant expect him to keep pouring money in good after bad - yu bin reasonably lucky - but yu got probs too - if yours carries on like the last two months for the next year - I bet yu will be seriously considering junkin' it. lets hope it dont! (knuckles feelin' betta?)
The Mad Hat Man said:
bet they miss his munney tho.

Yu cant knock his patriotism, Mondeo - he bought British - didnt he - yu cant expect him to keep pouring money in good after bad - yu bin reasonably lucky - but yu got probs too - if yours carries on like the last two months for the next year - I bet yu will be seriously considering junkin' it. lets hope it dont! (knuckles feelin' betta?)

If mine carries on like it has done for the last two months ill be over the moon. Its only chucked a hose??:rolleyes: £20 sqid Sorted!!!:D

As for his whining on about all things British been crap :rolleyes: Yeh ! ASK yerself WHY???
Because of the manufacturing workforce in this country.."Aww! I dont get paid enough"... "Aww! i dont ger enough time off"...."Aww! this in fair"
Lets face it you meet these plebs every day ... "the world owes me ".."Im better than everyone else"
Anyhow rant over.:D me knuckles are fine Ta! but now im gerrin man flu:eek:
Aww! " just wot i need with a broken nose"
Sniff! Ouch!!:D ;)
i thort yu lost 4wd agin - VCU gone? maybe I misunderstood, but yu take the point?

Yu wanna work for £3.50 a month - corse yu dont, but lets not go there.

The munney yu get paid dont affect bad workmanship.
£3.50 a month????
the loon thinks garage mechanics should be on £50K:eek: Then he ****in moans cos it cost him a fortune to put his car rite:rolleyes:
barkin mad!!!;)
but he's rite, Mondeo. Garage guys like Clutchdust are worth their weight on gold!
Surely yu wudnt argue against that?
No! And i agree they deserve the pay they get (LRGUYs happy cos he said as much)
But if we dint have people emptyin the bins the place would be a rite **** hole !! but would you want them to be on more money than you ????

horses fer courses mate.. ;)
An give ower windin me up:D yer know wot im like when im on the whisky:p
mondo said:
but would you want them to be on more money than you ????

Mondeo - yu are self employed, i think, like me - yu understumble - most of them ARE on more money than me........
The Mad Hat Man said:
Mondeo - yu are self employed, i think, like me - yu understumble - most of them ARE on more money than me........

Yep! but they have to do wot teacher says;)
aint that worth it for HOLIDAYS YU CAN TAKE? without wunderin if yu got any work to come bac to?

And dont say yu dont do wot your customers tell ya to do - we all work for someone - even if its only the missus (or ex-missus) and the tax man!!
Mrs mondo is at this moment cookin ME a lovely dinner , Pork fillet with a creamy mushroom sauce, potatoes and veg..

Cos i told her to :p

well mabe that bit a bit over the top ;) Its cos she luvs me:D

I had to wash up first thou:rolleyes:

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