Agreed, I like camper conversions and mine is tax and MOT exempt, but it runs on a 1970 chassis and running gear, leaf springs, drum brakes, manual steering. Calling a coil sprung, auto box disc braked half Defender a tax exempt series is not the same and it will spoil it for people like me, that's why I get annoyed. Stick it on Q plate and I'm happy.
I believe that to be tax exempt etc it should be inspected.
Previous mots show the same faults so it’s not well looked after.
I can’t even register a 2B import until its built & then DVLA come round to inspect it.
I'm still trying to work out what an automatic transfer box is.
It's got an LT77 so it's not an auto.
bet it is on sorn because he doesn't want to make the not modified statement, leave it for the new buyer then they will have to tax it.

Looks ok for a camper conversion but as said, call a spade a spade, it shouldn't be exempt, assuming the conversion was done after that date whenever it is 1998?
just looked it up, conversion to camper would need to be before 1998 and the new sva test, no idea when the 300tdi was introduced but i'm sure it was post '98
just looked it up, conversion to camper would need to be before 1998 and the new sva test, no idea when the 300tdi was introduced but i'm sure it was post '98
Why does it need to be before 1998? I've obviously missed something can you please explain.
Everyone knows hybrid land rovers are being built, that's the great thing about old land rovers you can build it yourself.
It's not being done for any reason apart from building something you want
Noone is interested in the pieces of Land Rover bolted together apart from some people
As for road tax, the amount of none paying road tax hybrids is so tiny its not worth the effort of checking every vehicle
I don't work for the government, let's be safe and be individuals
I should clarify the glencoyne site relates just to ved exemption I think, mot exemption is different, not sure the 1998 rule applies.

more than happy to be corrected or updated by anyone more knowledgeable
When i spoke to the DVLA about my own camper conversion their reply was that uniquely for Land Rovers they do not consider changes of body style, this is because the bodies are fully demountable and changes can be reversed. They no longer use catergories such as truck, station wagon (or camper) for Land Rovers and now only offer "utility 4x4" which is what I ended up with (better then "truck" which is what it was). The issue is the post 1998 rules for "points" which give us (in the UK) freedom from EU type rules and allow modifications. If the points system gets abused to allow modern vehicles to avoid tax and MOTs, or conceal stolen vehicles, we will loose it and the alterntive will be type approval and no mods unless on a Q plate, something I don't want.
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