
Head's a shed
Hello again folk, Yes it's me again with another build thread :eek:
Not sure how much if any interest their will be in this but it's for me also anyway, So I can look back and see what I've done on the bad days.
As some will have seen on the other thread I've got another chassis to stick under my brothers 90.
This is what it was like when he got it about 18 months ago.
On it's roller skate wheels :p





It's changed a little since then, But not a lot.
We started prepping for paint, But the weathers turned a bit ****'e so it was going to get left until next summer.
But seeing as it's coming to bits I'll do it then, Well provided I can find somewhere to do it.
Neighbours wont be best pleased if I do it in the garage again :rolleyes:


Anyway, We was offered this for reasonable money and local.
So it seemed a no brainer and would be daft to turn it down.
His chassis isn't the worst but it's had the odd patch before, But this will just future proof it even more :)


So, What's the plan? Well I don't really know yet.
Not sure how far he want's to take it either and it's hard to know fully until it's stripped. But it's me doing all the work anyway and he'll no doubt just let me decide what does and doesn't need doing. (Well within reason :eek:)
Although the plus point is theirs no rush to finish it as he has just bought a car as a stop gap until it is finished.
Although I do like the td5 I've never done much work on them never mind a full rebuild.
So it should be a fun build and really looking forwards to it :biggrin1:
He's lucky having you to rebuild it. Another one for you to enjoy and for us to enjoy watching you do it.
You'll probably finish another one before I finish my first :D
Ha! Next door are gonna love you

Yep :D
But why should they stop me doing my hobby, Just because they don't like it.
Her new hobby seems to be exercising in the back garden with the music blaring out. Don't see me complaining about it, Just no pleasing some people.
It's pretty obvious I'm not going to be their best friends now, She scowls out the window at me when I'm not doing anything nevermind when I'm spannering away :eek:
Anyway sorry for the rant :eek:

I'm always interested in your threads, keep em up :)

Cheers :) Glad people are interested in them.

He's lucky having you to rebuild it. Another one for you to enjoy and for us to enjoy watching you do it.
You'll probably finish another one before I finish my first :D

He is, But he ****es me off at times when he doesn't appreciate it. Although this was once mine (albeit not for long) But I still kind of like it more than the others I've had :eek: So don't mind too much really.
The other one isn't finished anyway, It can just get left in the back yard until next summer probably.
Not sure how long this one will take to be honest.
But being back out of work again as of this week it should be pretty quick, Unless I get another job (doubtful)
The other thing being how far he want's to take it.
Oh and where I'll be painting it, Bit chilly for it at the mo too.
But time will tell :)
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Here's what I've done so far, Started Sunday evening.
I would have had all day on it but I had to get my 90 out of the garage and into the back garden for safe storage.
This meant I had to remove the back of the garage :eek:
Stuck the roof and back door on for the first time and it can stay their until next summer when I have funds to finish it.
The plan was to get it stripped by the weekend and asses what's needed.



So with that out the way I wanted to get the roof of brothers 90 so it'd fit in the garage.
Plus me being out of work (Again) meant I could crack on and Monday

So roof and screen off, As I say I wanted a lift off with it as it's a bit awkward. The rest I could manage pretty much on my own, Or at least have plenty to go at.


Back door off. Just undid the hinge pins and lifted off.
Saves messing with rusty bolts when all I need to do is get it to bits. Will deal with them later and replace.


Took the sides off and stuck it in the garage for the night.
Not a lot of room in their :(


Went into garage to just put some tools away and ended up having another hour. So got the doors removed and the seats and matting from the interior.
Well at least it gave the floor a chance to dry out over night instead of working in the mud bath it was.
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So Monday came and the first job was to sort some room out in the shed/garden or where ever I could make room for parts off this :eek:

Next job was to get the wings off.
Which means spats off, Always a crap job removing all the little clips/pins.
Although the td5 wiring loom is much better than the early ones with being able to unplug the whole wing loom at the bulkhead.


Removed floor pans, Of which most bolts needed chopping off with the grinder :p
Plus seatbox and associated wiring/ect etc. I don't like electricery :eek:


And onto the tub, This cost me 3 tx40 bits trying to remove the rear crossmember bolts :mad: 1 x snap on 1 x halfords and a cheapo thing. So at least 2 will get replaced at some point (hopefully)
Oh and I still had to chop some of them off anyway as I'd run out of bits by this point. Should have just done that in the first place :doh:
Disconnected the wiring and then it was a waiting game until brother got home and he could give me a lift off with it.
And that was that for another day.

And today's progress.
As I say I've no work at the mo so had a leisurely start at about dinner time as I thought I'd need a lift off with the bulkhead and wouldn't be able to get one until the evening.
So I rolled it out side, Unbolted it and disconnected everything that needed to be, Which took all of about half an hour, Much quicker than I thought.
Thought feck waiting about all day for a lift so got the engine crane out and gave it a bash with that.
Piece of **** :p Again came off easier than I thought it would.





With that out the way I could get the engine and gearbox out.
That put up a bit of a fight, But having a cobbley driveway, On yer own and being built like a racing snake doesn't help matters :eek:
Still got their in the end :)



Then it was onto all the other bits and bobs attached to the chassis.
Steering box, centre crossmember, Pulled wiring loom out, Fuel tank and guard (Which has seen better days, Replacement or repair needed) etc..
Got the front axle unbolted ready for tomorrow but seeing as it was still before 5:30 I decided to get the bugger off.


So tomorrow I just have the back axle and the towbar to remove.
Whether I get it done or not is another mater as I've got a mates van to service first.
Then it's a case of do a big list and start tarting stuff up :p
Sooo, I managed to get the rest of it stripped today.
Got the axle and towbar off this morning, Then matey turned up and I serviced his van this afternoon.
Then he got roped into helping me move the chassis as it was still in the middle of the garage :p
So as soon as one chassis has gone from the side of the house (last Wednesday) another takes it's place :eek:



Nice mud trap on top of the chassis, No wonder they rot.


Then it was a case of clearing the garage out and having a bloody good tidy/sweep up.
Amazing how much mud/crap accumulates when you strip them.
Then stuck the axles back in ready for a strip down and tart up.


Gave the spring retainers a good wack with a hammer, Erm... New ones needed I think :p


Probably wont do any work as such tomorrow as I need to put a list of parts together and get them ordered.
Then just order other stuff as and when/if needed.
What do you use when refitting the seat boxes and floor plates? Do you buy the proper sealing tape stuff or use a bonding sealer from a tube?
You do set quite a pace on these :D

Aye cheers :) The strip down is the easy bit though :D
If it all went this swimmingly it'd be done for Christmas. Reality is it'll probably be March if not later.
I'm trying to keep a track of time this time round, Will be interested to see how long it has actually took me.
Stopped counting half way though the last one :eek:
Although it'll never be an completely accurate figure as a lot of time is wasted just looking/thinking about things, But will give me a rough idea.

What do you use when refitting the seat boxes and floor plates? Do you buy the proper sealing tape stuff or use a bonding sealer from a tube?

I 'acquired' some sticky backed foam stuff from work so use that.
Although I've run out and I'm not working so will need to find an alternative this time round.
**** you work fast! Just read all 96 pages of your last build (easy day at work) and now this one. Seeing you do all this work outside/in a Wendy house�� is giving me the confidence I need to start my 110, which has only been looked at for the last month. I thought it would be difficult without a big garage to work in but you're making it look easy enough. I love the idea of my own cummins conversion but I'll stick to a standard build for my first time. Have you considered putting together a conversion package? Supplying a serviced and painted engine and gearbox complete with mounts/transfer adaptor/starter/alternator etc?
Today's progress? Well more than I said I would.
Am I happy? Erm... kinda :eek: Just happy to be tinkering again :)

Got a parts order put together early afternoon for lr direct.
Mainly, Bearings, gaskets, seals, bushes, nuts, bolts and washers plus a set of springs and shocks.
Which seemed to take ages and I still forgot some stuff :doh:
One being a new steering damper, Can't remember the other thing again :eek:
Ordered a few other bits and bobs, Paint, nuts/bolts/washers, rtv etc...

So the plan? Get the axles in bits.
Back's done, Hopefully wire wheel for the grinder turns up tomorrow and I'll get it prepped for paint as I already have some black left over.


Got the rest to clean up too. Lovely.


Diff is very good with no excess backlash.


And onto the front.
Radius arms off, Bushes have seen a lot better days and probably the cause of one of the knocks he complained about but couldn't be arsed to fix :rolleyes:


Not sure if I did this when removing or if it was already like it and not sure how well the picture shows it. But slight kink in the brake pipe so will be making new.


The other casing stripped ready for prep.


Oh and not to forget another pile of bits to clean :eek:


The good news is I didn't find any unwanted nasty's, Swivels good, CV's good, stub axles good and so on, So as soon as the bits come the can get re-assembled :)
And a nice steady afternoon too, few hours and that was it.
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Aye cheers :) The strip down is the easy bit though :D

If it all went this swimmingly it'd be done for Christmas. Reality is it'll probably be March if not later.

I'm trying to keep a track of time this time round, Will be interested to see how long it has actually took me.

Stopped counting half way though the last one :eek:

Although it'll never be an completely accurate figure as a lot of time is wasted just looking/thinking about things, But will give me a rough idea.

I 'acquired' some sticky backed foam stuff from work so use that.

Although I've run out and I'm not working so will need to find an alternative this time round.

So number plate sticky foam stuff will be ok? Got plenty in work so was hoping that would do

Why is it, when I'm up to my ear lobes in doing this myself, that I find reading about the same thing so fascinating? :confused:
There are some great rebuild threads on here, but yours always tend to stand out a bit. Your writing style possibly, rate at which you get through it. A Land Rover soap opera :D
Why is it, when I'm up to my ear lobes in doing this myself, that I find reading about the same thing so fascinating? :confused:
There are some great rebuild threads on here, but yours always tend to stand out a bit. Your writing style possibly, rate at which you get through it. A Land Rover soap opera :D
+1 :)great to follow your builds , hope you're not on an hourly rate ,,,,if so.................. slow down ,,,lol mind you i know how crap "family rate is" great viewing and reading ,,reading your thread is like us doing a rebuild but not having to go in the garage and get cold :cool::D:rolly:

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