
New Member
hi folks just to give everyone a heads up theres a fella going under the name of responding to ads placed on this site the usual e bay spiel ill buy your car you just send me money thro western union type thing then ill sell a few barrels of oil and a couple of wives and get your car shipped out to outer zimbotswabe,again the usual give aways like cant talk proper england lingo etc im sure everyone on here has seen or heard of these village idiots but knowledge is power apparently ?? cheers peeps:)
Hello Billy6, I work for Shell in that part of the world, I could add another 1000 Scams to the above,

We have had passport information given to scammers by hotel staff, and the worst was computers for africa (donated by the UK public) without clearing all personel details off the hard drive (BANK DETAILS)

Take care folks and think before acting

Cheers Dutch RR
Everyone who gets these emails should reply back to the scamming fookers and fill their inbox with ****e. That way any poor suckers who do fall for it might get their emails ironically deleted as 'spam' by accident. A few seconds of your time x 10 million people who received the original message will pretty much render the spammer's inbox useless. My responses have usually got a few f-words, c-words and n-words for their enjoyment. Fight fire with fire I say...
Outlook rules are wonderful things for redirecting spam ;)
Like forwarding it to someone you don't like?! :D

Problem with an auto-responder is that they usually spoof the sender's address and have a separate email address in the body copy which you get to when you read the mail.

Best spam I'd ever seen was someone who claimed they'd been paid to kill someone and they could buy back their life! They claimed it was someone who knows the recipient well who had paid them for the job, but for more money they'd forget about it! I thought the direct approach was great! Needless to say they're still alive now and the spammer is no richer (well, not from us anyway).
Eh don't knock it I love these people

I sold my MG on auto trader and got 5 responses from people telling me they were a
1/ dutch naval officer
2/ belgian business man
3/ german doctor
4/ etc
5/ etc

all with email addresses

All wanting me to accept more money than car was offered at, and I can pay the shipping company to take my car away, I have a £10 000 cheque here for the car, over the 6 months limit so I don't think I can put it in the bank now
Had the conversations going for weeks

In the end I sent them all one email asking them to get together and make a business out of it.

For some reason the emails I was sending started to bounce as the email address was unrecognised - how rude was that?
Yeah this guy is trying to get me to fall for the old i'll send you a cheque for to much and you send me the change one............
what a retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hey I got one too! I told him I had sold my landy but he considers it as his! I have sent copies of the emails to the Administrator in the hope that a banner will be posted on the site for other members to be careful. I was encouraged to see I was not crazy and someone else had been approached. By the way the email address is the same. :eek:
There was a website I saw once with people who spent time wasting the scammers time and efforts. They even got them to send pictures of themselves posing in various ways with different signs. I'll search for it.

It was awesome!
sorry in my haste to post I missed the 419 link completley- sorry :(

Les :D :D

I scam the scammer - its a hoot :eek:
Franklyn Roland is wanting to purchase my Disco, and will be sending up an associate to 'ship' it out shortly....once the cheque has cleared obviously.

I'm so excited that I've finally sold it!
Franklyn Roland is wanting to purchase my Disco, and will be sending up an associate to 'ship' it out shortly....once the cheque has cleared obviously.

I'm so excited that I've finally sold it!

Ooooooooo, luck, luck, lucky you. ;)