Hello everyone,

I suspect you're going to be hearing a lot from me...

I've just purchased a '95 model year 3.9 Vogue SE that I will be using as my everyday car. I realise I am possibly about to test my sanity in this regard.

It's a mint, restored example, that's been thoroughly rust proofed and should be good for another 25 years. I have access to very trusted workshop, who know their Range Rovers, so it'll be in safe hands.

It currently has one or two electrical niggles - heated seats not working, heated rear screen not working, plus it has a nice big water leak into the footwells (see my other post), but these things aside, I absolutely love it.

I'll apologise in advance for any stupid questions that come along in the future...


yes it will test you:D

“Mint” ??? With a water leak and electrical problems.;)

Anyway get the water leak sorted (I see you are) ASAP otherwise you will probably suffer more electrical issues, you still might if it’s that much water.

but anyway enjoy it and good luck:)

Hi and welcome!

I had a RRC some years ago. Unfortunately, it was the most unreliable car I’ve ever had! But I’m sure it was just a Friday afternoon car.
It’s a newer classic (95).

Good luck and don’t worry about stupid questions, you sort of have to ask them with Landys :)
Welcome to the forum

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