I had last week when it updated.
Fleebay amazon ... everything asked for the passwords again.
Driving me nuts.

Talking crap...windows update comes through when you connect to your internet provider and microsoft then updates...nothing to do with amazon or ebay...do you have virus protection installed cause if you dont and your installing willynilly of internet you will have problems...you need to take your lap-top to a software expert and get them to look at it...
She is doing that every week.
I have no idea what she put on.
But is easier to break in a bank pc as the laptop once she is on it.

She knows more about oc as I want to know.
I click and do.
Anything else is her job. Lol

( unless her security's blockingnthus cable from working ?)

But now I got this bloody massive win xp computer here and updating it then download this software.
Tomorrow all goes in the backseat of the car serial cable connected and hopefully it works.
( just another day wasted)
I'm guessing he means using amazon etc they ask for his password which he cant remember...sod all to do with microsoft windows updates...
Close to it.
I have to write them passwords down. And then look for where I wrote them down.
Every update it resets itself.
She knows more about oc as I want to know.
I click and do.
Anything else is her job. Lol

You both need help neither of you appear to know what your doing or getting anywhere...and by the way spent weeks in our garage with all diagnostic equipment tracing a blown fuse fault for a customer...some idiot had trapped wire from window switch panel under cubby box thanks again @martyuk for your input...
Close to it.
I have to write them passwords down. And then look for where I wrote them down.
Every update it resets itself.

You dont need passwords to connect your pc to your car!!...go to a software expert and let them check your pc and run through how it operates...
Close to it.
I have to write them passwords down. And then look for where I wrote them down.
Every update it resets itself.
To run the EAS you did not need to do any updates on your old XP computer or connect it to the internet unless Netframework is missing.
To run the EAS you did not need to do any updates on your old XP computer or connect it to the internet unless Netframework is missing.
Correct, I run mine without internet connection and the laptop needs updating, will try at the weekend so I can update the usb/ serial adapter, thanks for your time @martyuk I haven't forgotten the door lock bits,;) Perhaps then I can post a solution to my Faultmate thread.And I know feck all about putors by the way,so your not on your own.;):D
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Right. After all this hassle with the win 10.
I got.an heavy old xp in the car.
And guess what.
It has an aerial port and is working.

No usb adapter software crap required.

Funny part. I dont get error codes to clear
But it is reading the eas
Right. After all this hassle with the win 10.
I got.an heavy old xp in the car.
And guess what.
It has an aerial port and is working.

No usb adapter software crap required.

Funny part. I dont get error codes to clear
But it is reading the eas

Told you to do that a long time ago.
The car looks.like an office. And desktop tower on the rear seat with a 19" monitor on the passenger seat.
Mouse and keyboard in the dash.

And now- apparently it has no faults.
Just started the engine with the door open and let it run for 10 min.
Let's see if the air storage fills up.
Thabks for all advise and help.
Didnt work out with the laptop but with a home pc.

Well 25 miles restdrive

No fault codes no error messages.
Never showed a fault when I finally could read it.

But I had to leave the pc connected until the airbags came up and adjusted themselves.

Now need to put right ride hight in the values as they been all but matching. Lol.
Yes finally
After 2 and a half weeks headache hardly sleep and only and only sandwiches. Lol.

I.am sure there will be other stuff coming along.
But now is driving.

Everything else cant be as worse. Lol.

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