Finished at £4100.

Nice. Unless you happened to own it before in a former guise.

Interesting discussion and proof that some on here either know very little about Landrovers or are quite happy to ignore the obvious or possibly both?

It's this quote that riled me. Implying some of us know little about Landrovers, happy to ignore the obvious or both! Whilst raising awareness of stolen Landies being given some cosmetic changes to try and make them legit is a very worthwhile subject, would it not have been better to start the topic with a question like "stolen Landrover? I think so, what about you?". Then accept faithfully others opinions that differ from your own.
I hope that makes sense, starting to turn into a nonsensical rant now!
Me and three others above. I'm not arguing about it. Maybe it should be a Q plate, that wasn't the original point though.

Yes it was. Without a IVA, and a Q plate it is NOT Legit and so is a blatent ringer. Regardless of whether or not the seller can identify the legal source, of any or all of the vehicles components.
Yes it was. Without a IVA, and a Q plate it is NOT Legit and so is a blatent ringer. Regardless of whether or not the seller can identify the legal source, of any or all of the vehicles components.

If he's failed to put it on Q plates then it's wrong for that reason, suggesting it's not legit because it's made up from a stolen td5 is different.
If he's failed to put it on Q plates then it's wrong for that reason, suggesting it's not legit because it's made up from a stolen td5 is different.

No IF about it. it is required by law to have a Q Plate and an IVA.
It's 100% not a series chassis so he's lied about that. It is however a Defender chassis. So if he's lied about the chassis what else has he lied about??

Best case scenario is he's used the reg to make it "Tax Exempt" Worst case scenario It's a ringer. What is there in that advert that would make you think that the reg should be on that vehicle??
People think they get put into containers and shipped 'abroad' to Africa or whatever ...

Why would anyone go to all the hassle of reems of paperwork and expense? Much easier to steal 2 or 3, swap the toys about and buy a few bits, throw some paint at it and chuck a Series ID on it.

Any muppet can do that..........and many do :mad:
Having had alook at the eBay ad and reading this,

Few things,

The bulkhead is red, the transmission tunnel is blue,

The engine bay / front end looks like it was white,

The rear cross member isn't td5, or it has been replaced, but it isn't a 88" neither

The rear tub is td5 but the fuel tank is in the rear tub not under the rear like a td5 would be,

I think and this is my opinion, doesn't make it right or wrong,

That isn't someone's pride and joy that's been stolen and re plated there's 2 many diffrent colours around the thing and the fuel tank in the wrong place,

BUT, if it is an honest project it should be Q plated based on the points system should have a SVA test,

ANOTHER POINT, it might be all well and good and someone has but ££££ and countless hours into it, but it's as bad as stolen if the parts used to build it were stolen,
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Why would anyone go to all the hassle of reems of paperwork and expense? Much easier to steal 2 or 3, swap the toys about and buy a few bits, throw some paint at it and chuck a Series ID on it.

Any muppet can do that..........and many do :mad:

Well, I am informed that you can get a container for £25 if you use certain charities ...

and some of the manifests are checked some are not due to 'a shortage of staff' ...
Well, I am informed that you can get a container for £25 if you use certain charities ...

and some of the manifests are checked some are not due to 'a shortage of staff' ...

Oh I'm sure it happens, I'm also convinced that a lot of the time it doesn't.

Some undoubtedly get broken for parts but that's a lot of work.
NO that is true MY Bad didn't look at the Reg no. :eek: So then you really have to wonder why he's not done it properly. :confused:

So from this, it's either a rebuild using s/h parts, or as people have suggested, stolen parts. But as I have said before, 90s and 110s came from dealers in 1983 on a Y plate. So people take your pick.
So from this, it's either a rebuild using s/h parts, or as people have suggested, stolen parts. But as I have said before, 90s and 110s came from dealers in 1983 on a Y plate. So people take your pick.

110's did 90's didn't. But even then that int an early 90.
Is it worth adding a "spotting a stolen Landy/ringer" guide (to a buyer's guide if there is one) so that we come out of the end of this with something useful!?
Why would anyone go to all the hassle of reems of paperwork and expense? Much easier to steal 2 or 3, swap the toys about and buy a few bits, throw some paint at it and chuck a Series ID on it.

Any muppet can do that..........and many do :mad:

abroad or parts in the main i think , the market value of a stole landy was £500,some profit in stripping one and ebay
I just took another look at the ad even though it has sold, I cannot see where it says it is tax exempt and it would have to be 1974 to be would it not? I also read that the rear crossmember is fabricated of 6mm plate, I understand concerns but I have been buying parts from scrap yards for twenty od years to make my car look like the face lift model, are we to assume all scrap yard parts are stolen?
I can't help wondering if the seller of this Landy is reading our comments on it ? Or maybe the new owner ? I'm sure there are quite a few people who would buy it if the price was right, and take a chance that the authorities don't bother to investigate it. Well, now's your chance to speak up and tell us all the story of this vehicle. We are all waiting with bated breath.

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