Hope you have better luck than I did.The place I used in Rochdale think was called bio-D .suposed to be made to european standard EN 14214 .As far as I was aware you can run 300 t.d.i on 100% bio . I mixed with 25% diesel for safe measure and still broke down . £50 no receipt.Curious to know if anyone else has had smilar experience.Small print on pump read WARNING NOT ALL ENGINES WILL RUN ON BIODIESEL nice little get out if you have problems.Either Ive got a problem with my engine or they are selling any old crap and calling it biodiesel.
There are no probs with using bio diesel in any diesel as long as the fuel sysytem has no natural rubber components in. On average any vehicle after 1996 will have Viton fuel seals that do not degrade by bio diesel. However, it is important that as soon as you make the change to bio you change your fuel filters regularly for the first 2k miles. Bio isa strong solvent and will clean all the gunge from your system and place it convieniently in your filter for you.

You must use proper bio(transesterified) in order to call it bio. It offers more lubricity than low sulphur diesel and every litre of diesel in the UK has 5% of bio in anyway. Your engine will run cleaner and and emissions will drop greatly.

I have run my tdi 300 for 10000 miles with no problems at all. I even found I could wind my pump up further as the smoke has gone and she is clean as a whistle! I am about to try my TD5 on a 50-50 blend to see how it goes. It is vital however viscosity is not changed and bio that has no additives(to keep it thinner in the cold) can and does thicken slightly in cold weaether. my experience tells me that as long a 20% of your blend has normal mineral diesel in than it is fine and does not thicken. Alternatively there are products you can add to maintain the viscosity ib the cold weather.

Once the TD5 is running it heats fuel so as soon as you going it will keep the fuel thin, it is only starting this thickening could be a problem.

Make sure you supplier of Bio diesel does not use any oil at all that contains fats that thicken and wax when cold i.e. lard looking stuff. It has to be vagtable oil and if you do not mind spending a tad more on new oil it takes away all the worries.

Come on get some bio- clean fuels that we can all make. Check out Treecarewales.co.uk if you live in the South West.
Old guy who filled up my tank told me he would buy my old cooking oil for 10p per ltr.How the hell would he know it was vegetable oil?
Now here's one for you all, my 300TDi will not have veg or bio no way no how. I've done all the, change fuel filter several times, cleaned out the sedimenter several times, had the injectors tested, they're fine, pump pressure and timing are spot on.
Last time I tried veg oil I added just ten litre in a very nearly full tank of diesel, the last half litre of veg oil did'nt go in, that's how full of diesel it was.
After driving just a couple of miles it was running like a sack of ****, lumpy idle, lumpy light throttle and way down on power, ran it down to half a tank and filled up with diesel.
I run my 95 300 TDI on biodiesel - no problems. Asked my mechanic first and he runs his on it too. The only thing he said was:

1) Change your fuel filter more often e.g. at 6K when you do your oil change.
2) Buy from a reputable dealer - get someone recommend.

In the cold it seems to be slightly more reluctant to start but apart from that I've noticed no difference.

I use it neat but sometimes run proper diesel as I often go "down south" (Rupublic of Ireland) where diesel is cheaper.
I run my 200tdi on bio no problems, just ocasionaly when I pull up at junctions it struggles for just a moment. I find it it a better smother and quieter fuel.
I run my 300tdi on veggie oil with no problems starting or running. I have a pre-heater on the fuel (heated by glow plugs and engine coolant) and run different veggie/diesel mix's depending on the temperature. Otherwise it seems fine to me. Worst thing is having to change the fuel filter more often than normal, but heating the fuel into the filter helps with that too.
in the summer i ran my 300 on neat unused veg oil, as long as the nights werent too cold it was great, didnt do any modifications or anything, and it worked out loads cheaper, now it doesnt work out any different cost wise, and as its so cold i'm back on normal diesel again, my car is fine runs like a dream whatever i put in the tank
Now here's one for you all, my 300TDi will not have veg or bio no way no how. I've done all the, change fuel filter several times, cleaned out the sedimenter several times, had the injectors tested, they're fine, pump pressure and timing are spot on.
Last time I tried veg oil I added just ten litre in a very nearly full tank of diesel, the last half litre of veg oil did'nt go in, that's how full of diesel it was.
After driving just a couple of miles it was running like a sack of ****, lumpy idle, lumpy light throttle and way down on power, ran it down to half a tank and filled up with diesel.
sounds like you made the mistake of adding veg oil to a full tank.Try adding it to half tank diesel then drive down some unsurfaced road so it gets sloshed about and gets a good mixing.;)
When it was cost effective I also ran on Veg oil ... drove into Tesco's, bought Rapeseed Oil @ ~50p litre, into car park and emptied it straight into tank. Never had a problem, except last winter when I had to cycle the glow plugs twice to start it. The Disco ran smoother and quieter, no real noticeable difference in performance at all. Used to run up to 50% veg/diesel, mostly on ~ 0+ % Ran on 100% Veg (straight from the shop shelf) for 1000 miles but this worried swmbo, so dropped back to 30-50%.

No difference in cost now so just use diesel ...
I used to run my 200 tdi on 100% veg oil with no problems Also ran a 2.5td on up to 80% veg for a long time with no problems. If your tdi won't run on veg oil there's something wrong with it.
Heard a story recently about a bloke selling "bio diesel" that was in fact stolen heating oil and red diesel dyed to look like whatever bio diesel is supposed to look like. That'd take some explaining if yer got pulled over by the ministry.
my last 2 cars ran fine on ktc veg oil both french 406 models, anyway macro now sell 20 litres veg oil at 15.50 but it has got anti foaming agent but my old peugeot's both did over 30k miles on the stuff with no ill effects.
However i have not tried it in my disco yet, not sure if it will cope with anti foaming stuff.

my last 2 cars ran fine on ktc veg oil both french 406 models, anyway macro now sell 20 litres veg oil at 15.50 but it has got anti foaming agent but my old peugeot's both did over 30k miles on the stuff with no ill effects.
However i have not tried it in my disco yet, not sure if it will cope with anti foaming stuff.

The ktc oil I use has got the anti foaming ****e in it.£17.00 for 20 ltr from Bookers its made from soya oil.No problems so far 300 tdi.
The ktc oil I use has got the anti foaming ****e in it.£17.00 for 20 ltr from Bookers its made from soya oil.No problems so far 300 tdi.
I've used gallons of that stuff with no issues. Dunno where the idea that it's no good came from.

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