very smart!
Cheers. I think I'm getting there.

Looking good mate. I can't wait until Iv got something that resembles a defender :-D

You're at a great stage, mate. It's fantastic getting the running gear on and building up from a new shiny galv chassis. Things go in stages of different speeds. I've had a lot of bother with my tub, which has held me up for ages. :( Getting the running gear on, once it's sorted, is quick and it looks like you've made massive progress. That's what you'll be doing nest. :)

You and me both:).

You're doing a great job on that chassis, mate. These rebuilds are one problem after another. If they weren't they wouldn't need to be rebuilt. :D
Do a good job and take your time patching that chassis, so it lasts long enough for you to save for a galv one. Then bobs ya uncle ;)
Weather great today, so got the cappings riveted on.

Got the new YRM wing stays bolted in to place, but I reckon it would be better to take them off again for the respray. Just a 2 min job.

The inner wheel arches were a bit corroded around where the seat belt bolts and seat bolts went through. I've already bonded aluminium plates underneath and left the tops because they are going to get covered by the metal work, but I decided to put some plates over the top too.


Put some body filler in the half hole across the rear quarter panel. Seems sill to mention but, it bugs me that it ended up like that. :mad:

I cut a square of thick aluminium to rivet on the back and half drilled in to it with a large drill bit.

Hope this will create a cavity the body filler can open up in to and create a bulb of filler so it doesn't just drop out after a few months.

I've done loads of repairs on the tub and it has been hard going and frustrating but I think it's there now. Can't think of anything else to do on it except flatten the old paint down a bit more. I might flip it upside down and push some seam sealer in to all the nooks and crannies. Other than that I think it's ready to get painted, as are all the other panels. Still, the paint shop I've got lined up can't fit me in for 3 weeks or so. :frown:
Well, here it all is ready to go off to the paint shop.


The fella at the paint shops was great. Told him about the gap between corner cappings and the rear panels. "Don't worry about it, we'll probably remove what you've put in and put our own sealer in, it'll do a better job". Suits me! Nothing seemed to be a problem. Said they had done a few Defenders now. His suggestions and things he said filled me with confidence, so hopefully it lives up to expectations when I get it back!

I know this is pathetic for someone of my age, but I can't wait to get it back! The excitement is ridiculous :bounce:

However, I'm off to a beer festival now so that will take my mind off it. Probably numb it altogether :)
Not done a great deal this weekend, but got the front calipers put together.

The powder coaters had painted the recess at the top of the cylinders and so I had to spend a few hours carefully cutting and scraping it out with a half a stanley knife blade. Then, I cleaned both seal recesses with wire wool. Blasted the cylinders and down the fluid channels with compressed air to get all of the dust and grit particles out.


Then I inserted the inner seals.


Fitted the thinner seals in to the outer metal ring. They don't feel as though they are going to fit at first and then they just pop in.


They pushed in to the top of the cylinder quite well. One side just drops in and then a gently squeeze with a G clamp and the other end just slid in.


The stainless pistons and new seal kit came with a tube of red rubber grease and so I smeared it around the leading edge of the piston and on the taper.


Then it was just a case of easing them in to the cylinder through the seals. They were reassuringly tight, but slid in without too much of a struggle.


I reckon all the prep work paid dividends when it came to actually fitting in the seals and retainer ring. Only took about 20 mins to fit the 8 pistons. Very pleased with them :)
Looks like you got 'em in very nicely then. See, it wasn't nearly as hard as everybody makes out! Let's hope they work as well as they look.
Looks like you got 'em in very nicely then. See, it wasn't nearly as hard as everybody makes out! Let's hope they work as well as they look.

Absolutely! :eek:

Felt nice and tight, so hopefully they won't leak. Time will tell:)
Forgot to mention, Brown. Those EBC discs are expensive. Over £100 a corner :eek:
Ah, per pair. I was going to say that they must have gone up a lot in the last couple of years! Yes they were a bit dear, but as I go round doing jobs on the Land Rover, where I can I like to try out some of the premium brand stuff to see if it is any better. Even buying top of the range stuff, it's nothing to what somebody at work has spent on brake stuff for his BMW.

Hope your powder coating stands up to the brake fluid when you bleed them.
Well, the panels are still at the paint shop. No news yet and it's three weeks this weekend.

Kept the seat box to paint myself, as it's going to get covered in carpet anyway. Came out nice though.

Made up the new battery box from the YRM panels.

Stripped the windows down.

The felt sections are very expensive and so I have bought a long length of felt to try and make my own. Only cost about £8, so worth a go. I need to buy two runners as they had gone brittle and were broken.

Got the new rear calipers painted with as close a colour as I could get to the powder coated front ones.

I'll see how long they last :)

The new discs and pads have just arrived.
Is the battery box just riveted together mate?

Yes, they come with the rivet holes already in. You just need to put the sections together with the holes lined up. I put seam sealer along the joins before I riveted them.
Yes, they come with the rivet holes already in. You just need to put the sections together with the holes lined up. I put seam sealer along the joins before I riveted them.

Cool. Iv Never done any bodywork or anything like that so it's going to be a learning curve when it comes to do mine :)
Cool. Iv Never done any bodywork or anything like that so it's going to be a learning curve when it comes to do mine :)

Judging by the quality of what you've done so far you've got nothing to worry about. :)

Which parts of the body are the worst?

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