
Active Member
Friends, Countrymen, Fellow Landypersons,

I am disappointed that I got no contrary comments re my angry pigs stencil or candelabra on FUF(1983 Series III in gallery) - the candelabra has gone but I am considering a plastic pink flamingo as a bonnet ornament.
I have got onto the shortlist for Pimp My Ride and am awaiting news!!
To allay the purists I did use the beast for pulling a number of quite large stumps from a friend's hedgerow last weeekend.
Has anyone in Surrey got experience of spraying classic type flames? call me.

07786 224300
Nah, sorry to disappoint. Thought it looked cool actually & sadly, espesh' the candlelabra. A bit Jamie Reid meets Rocky Horror Show - if you want my opinion!

A friend of another site member has a dolls arm fixed to her Landy's windscreen wiper. Now, a pair of them would look wicked.

Bit disappointed you took the candleabra off, I was trying to work out if I could hang a chandelier from my load bay roof!

Flamingo sounds way good though...........Sheddy might give you some stick from a H&S point of view. Will it obscure your vision, do you know how to safely mount a, oh, whatever!
mounting a Flamingo takes 3 things:

1) timing
2) discretion(RSPB and all that)
3) a very smoth line and a handful of small fish!!!

in Heidi's honour the Flamingo will have flaxen plats(I don't know how to spell ?) H+S can boil their eyes - every bureaucrat in this country has the blood of Bonaparte in ttheir veins.

On Heidi's behalf I say: "Thank You"

You're obviously a man of taste (with "Guzzi" in your name you'd have to be) :cool:

on the pages of your site that is titled "Friends" you have a photo of Grisselda and Uni - betwixt them is what I am 100% sure is a Guzzi 850 T3 - why does the two wheel beastie not get a mention. My Guzzi is not happy and is saving his euros for a hit!!

She's a V50 and she's called Grisselda! Heidi is the Land Rover and Uni is the er...

Sorry about the confusion, guess I just figured everybody knew who Heidi is (they do round here;) )

So yes, the Guzzi is one of my babies (along with an F650 Dakar and an SS125A) and we often take her along to military shows coz she looks (and sounds) so gorgeous. I still get quite a few people ask me "how did you get it here, then?"

Apologies to your Guzzi if I've caused any stress.

So where's this photo of your Guzzi you promised me then? You never know: if it's a good'un I could put it on Heidi's website :cool:

just looked at the Heidi site - many thanks for putting the T3 up. On a nice day I will get it, never got round to a monicker for it, out and take a decent pic. Haven't been posting much as not much to say.
Took a coupla mates out for the day recently in the Series III- I have never heard so much complaining - so what I had no doortops on and it was below freezing.
There is no such thing as bad weather - just inappropriate clothing.


apologies - but back on the subject of the original thread - I'm a bodger and fancied doing a flame job on the petrol tank of my CX500 (don't laugh it's not that dissimilar to a Guzzi!) a while ago and had huge success masking out the curvy flame shapes with the pinstriping tape you get from Halfords. use normal masking tape/newspaper to cover the rest of the bodywork right up to the edge of the pinstripe tape, spray everything that's remaining visible in solid yellow then (without further masking) splurge a bit of red around the flame tips. when you peel the whole lot of masking off it looks A1. (except sadly it was still a CX500!).
CX500 not that dissimilar to a Guzzi???????????????

HEhE HE HA ha Ha ho Ha HE hah Hah haH heh heh He Ha HE HE haa haaa heeehe hahaha HeeH oH ha HEhE HE HA ha Ha ho Ha HE hah Hah haH heh heh He Ha HE HE haa haaa heeehe hahaha HeeH oH ha HEhE HE HA ha Ha ho Ha HE hah Hah haH heh heh He Ha HE HE haa haaa heeehe hahaha HeeH oH ha HEhE HE HA ha Ha ho Ha HE hah Hah haH heh heh He Ha HE HE haa haaa heeehe hahaha HeeH oH ha HEhE HE HA ha Ha ho Ha HE hah Hah haH heh heh He Ha HE HE haa haaa heeehe hahaha HeeH oH ha.

But then you do meet the nicest people on a Honda.
i'd just like to add my tuppence worth

HAHAHAHAHA hehehehe hohohohoho

rice burner.......pasta eater
ho ho ho
oh gawd my sides hurt
topcatguzzi said:
many thanks for putting the T3 up.

That's all right :)
Anyone else got a photo for Heidi's web?

And I can see some similarities between the V50 and the CX500: they're both moduh-sickles, and neither of 'em is an arse-in-the-air rocket bike. There's no comparison in the sound they make though ;)
to smiths88 - good for you or flamin the CX - ignore our fellow list members Slob and Grunt. The CX was/is a good oiece of engineering and we should applaud you and possibly have a virtual group hug.

Tesco's are doing some really good wine deals and I am taking full advantage tonight.

CX500 had the nickname of Metal Maggot .... for a good reason. Hateful machine.

But at least it wasn't a VT500!