HEY grunt did you hear that??we're to be ignored!!!!!! this topcat dude had better watch out or else i'll call officer dribble
Thought the CX was the plastic maggot on account of the headlamp cowl/fairing? Either way, an actually alright engine (they went thumping on for years which is why all the couriers used them) built into a frame made of plasticene! And have you ever caught your fingers in those pressed Honda wheels? They're lethal! Oh, and ignoring Slob is like ignoring a testicular lump, if you do, it'll only get bigger & more painful, but it'll still be b*llox! Just made that up, not bad for this time in the morning with a hangover!
Go for it, can't wait to see the T-shirts!........Just an aside, why is it vodka tastes better on a Sunday than a Saturday? Still, I'm working on it!
Easy tiger, thas' ma seester you's talking about. That said Slob, I'd guess the bird next to you in the mornings looks less "human" by Sunday! BaAaAaAaH!
No one else woulda, just you Mnsr S. Sex=female, Species=irrelevant, pulse=optional!

Sorry Slob, caning the voddie, out in a bit & bound to be messy! You give my regards to Bob tonight.
C'mon chap this is bordering on the personal! So, Land Rover blah, blah, blah, Honda CX, erk, blah, blah, blah................Oh, tonight will be FARN!
o.f.f..thats a corker..i havn't larfed so much since auntie mabel caught her left tit in the mangle. i take my hat orf to that one..
Cheers chap, off out now. I've oodles of ex-colleagues to deeply insult. Don't have to face them on Monday & they are soooo gonna regret inviting me!

Have a good eve',
hi marcus old mate could you please tell me if the wheels are susposed to be at the top or the bottom of my landrover series three long wheel base (not mil)
thank you so much
lots of love slob
On a LWB it barely matters on account of I'm gonna crest the hills that you can't manage in my SWB. That said, there's been deeply disturbing nights that Im not sure whether the condensation has been dripping up or down from my IIIs roof!
you might have to, crest the hills but with my twin webber carbatooters i'll just fly over them
its hard to say really, some of it was green and some was red and there was even one that looked abit like old diff oil. gees how do you expect me to know? it is french after all..