I use Torque Pro. It is bloody marvellous. Never tried it on the Rangie though as I didn't think it was ODBii compliant. I guess the petrol engine might be OK.

I suppose I should try the turbo-wheezle one day just to see!
btw, I dumped AutoSleeper app, because it crashed 20% of the time. Now using this one
AutomateIt | AutomateIt is an Android app designed to simplify your life by automating various tasks on your smartphone which is much better, and allows me to kill running apps like Waze, TomTom or PowerAmp.

I paid for the full version, and then you get composite actions, plus proper root control. I have 2 actions only:
  1. Power connected rule: turns screen on, disables screen lock, enables 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi, etc.
  2. Power disconnected rule: Airplane mode, WiFi Off, GPS off, Data Sync disable, kill Waze, etc. & then screen off & lock.

Thinking of using a 3rd rule that says "if power = on, and wifi=home, then update all apps". Might also add one for "update music"

Somebody wanted to see the mounting method.

and yes I know my filler is a bit rough !! :wtf: it's hidden.


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Ah, I see. I had to mount mine with the ports at the other end so I could get the micro USB cable into the port. It wouldn't go without butchering the side of the panel where yours is. The tablet was £43 and there doesn't seem to be any kind of standard where the ports are physically located. If I'd used my Nexus 7 I would have had slightly better options.
I've got AutoSleeper on at the moment and it seems to work OK. Also got Torque Pro for the basic management bits and bobs.
Going to see how I get on with Google maps for use as sat nav.
Ah, I see. I had to mount mine with the ports at the other end so I could get the micro USB cable into the port. It wouldn't go without butchering the side of the panel where yours is. The tablet was £43 and there doesn't seem to be any kind of standard where the ports are physically located. If I'd used my Nexus 7 I would have had slightly better options.
I've got AutoSleeper on at the moment and it seems to work OK. Also got Torque Pro for the basic management bits and bobs.
Going to see how I get on with Google maps for use as sat nav.

When using it for Google maps will it need a 3G connection or wifi? Did you say your using your phone for the hot spot? :):)
I'll be using my phone as a hotspot cos I've unlimited data.

You do need a connection (although you can save maps in Google maps) but I don't think you can use turn-by-turn navigation using G maps with saved maps though (seem to think there's a warning of sorts when you save the map).
I'll be using my phone as a hotspot cos I've unlimited data.

You do need a connection (although you can save maps in Google maps) but I don't think you can use turn-by-turn navigation using G maps with saved maps though (seem to think there's a warning of sorts when you save the map).
Funny, mine works fine with no sim and WiFi turned off, I don't use the spoken directions though.
Looks good Pete. I'm going to have mine out again as its slipped slightly so is sitting crooked.

What's the app(?) that you've got showing a nice clear front end in the first photo?
interestingly both Chinese tablets I bought have root & developer modes available by default, so running unsigned apps is also possible.

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